Wellness Action Plan (WAP)

We aim to create a supportive working environment that maintains and promotes the health and wellbeing of employees. As a part of this, we encourage line managers and staff to have positive open dialogues about managing everyday wellbeing.

To assist you with having these conversations, you may wish to fill in a Wellness Action Plan (WAP) originally devised by the mental health charity Mind. This is personal to your wellbeing and should be kept confidential between yourself and your line manager. We have also created guidance to help managers complete the WAP.

The Wellness Action Plan (.doc)

The Managers' Guide for completing a Wellness Action Plan (.doc)

Benefits of the Wellness Action Plan

Having a Wellness Action Plan can help generate meaningful conversations about your overall wellbeing with your line manager, colleagues and, if needed, ourselves. In the plan, you can specify what you need to meet your wellness goals and how you maintain good health at work. It can help you to identify what keeps you well at work and what causes you to become unwell. The WAP can be a helpful ongoing tool for your line manager, giving them ‘permission’ to revisit conversations if potential triggers or poor mental health is noticed. The WAP can help you feel empowered and in control and allows you to review your experience and make sure the support you receive is the best for you right now.

Advice for managers

As a line manager, having your team complete the WAP can help you to:

  • structure and start conversations about mental health with employees
  • understand the employee’s experiences and needs
  • identify and consider reasonable adjustments
  • ensure employees returning to work after absence have adequate support
  • show new employees your commitment to workplace wellbeing

The Managers' Guide for completing a Wellness Action Plan (.doc)

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Contact us
Occupational Health team
Telephone: 01206 872399