How we support you

The Health, Wellbeing and Care Hub continues to develop new services in line with local community needs.  What is offered now may be different to what is offered in the future, depending on our communities’ priorities and needs.

Our services aim to fulfil the following key priorities:

  • Promoting mental health and wellbeing
  • Communication support
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Facilitating mobility
  • Enhancing cognition
  • Negotiating life

Hub services are accessible to all. Referrals can be made either by an individual, their care giver, a social prescriber, a health, social care or education professional. All referrals are screened by a member of the team and prioritised according to need.

Our services are delivered by students under the clinical supervision of registered clinicians.

The Hub offers a ‘pay as you can afford’ approach to service delivery, whereby service users or carers can make a donation to the service which will be invested back into the delivery of our services. Details of how to make a donation can be found at crowdfunding with University of Essex.

If you are concerned about how to access the Hub, please contact us via email or telephone call and we can signpost you to your local transport scheme, to see if they can support your travel requirements. We can also offer a variety of services online, via Microsoft Teams, so please don’t let the location of our centre put you off making a referral.

Services for adults

Services for children

A person typing on a laptop.
Our referral forms

You can self-refer to any of our services. Use the buttons below to download the form for either adult or children's services and email it to us at

A student on their mobile phone
Get in touch
Health, Wellbeing and Care Hub
Clingoe House, Knowledge Gateway, University of Essex, Boundary Road, Colchester, CO4 3GS
Telephone: 01206872460