Digital skills

From accessing your emails to using Moodle creatively, we have resources to help you improve and enhance your digital skills.

IT training

Book on to an online or face-to-face training session to better understand and make use of common software tools for your work or studies like the Microsoft suite (Outlook, Word and Excel).

A toolkit is also available to help with these and other recommended tools such as Box, EndNote, Trello and Qualtrics.

Learning technologies (including Moodle)

There is a range of Quick Guides and Longer online courses to help you make best use of Moodle, Poll Everywhere and other learning technologies. You can also book on to in-person training courses and view recordings of a selection of previous training sessions.

Classroom technology

In person Lectern and teaching room workshops are available to book via HR Organiser. We also have a Moodle  Quick Guide with guidance for using the technologies available in teaching rooms.


We have guidance for using FASER our online assessment submission system.

Listen Again

Listen Again is our lecture capture and playback service that lets students listen back to their lecture recordings at a later date. Listen Again FAQ's and tips.

Contact us

Help with using learning technologies in teaching and learning:

Help with common software tools and classroom technology:

Help with general IT matters:
Contact the IT Helpdesk