What is UKRN?

UKRN is a national peer-led consortium that aims to ensure the UK retains its place as a centre for world-leading research. This is being done by investigating the factors that contribute to robust research, promoting training activities and disseminating best practice, and working with external stakeholders – organizations that are part of the wider research ecosystem – to ensure coordination of efforts across the sector.

UKRN activities:

UKRN’s activities span multiple levels, including researchers, institutions and other external stakeholders (e.g., funders and publishers). UKRN originated from activity across the UK seeking to understand the factors that contribute to poor research reproducibility and replicability, and to develop approaches to counter these and improve the quality of the research we produce. These issues affect all disciplines, so UKRN aims for broad disciplinary representation. UKRN’s position is that ongoing efforts to address these issues represent an opportunity to improve our research by reforming culture and practice.

At Essex, we aim to start building up our local community/network across the university. We keen to hit the ground running by inviting you to subscribe to the newly created mailing list reproducibility@essex.ac.uk via which we are going to circulate relevant news and events that should be of interest to many of you. You can subscribe to this mailing list via the IT Services mailing list webpage. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Essex Local Reproducibility Network. We list here some relevant links for you to find out further information, if interested:

Useful links:

Points of contact:

For any queries, please contact: