Report a health and safety hazard on University premises via our Estates and Facilities Helpdesk.
Any health and safety incident on University premises or during the course of organised work or student activities must be reported.
If you are concerned about someone behaving unsafely please report it as soon as possible.
It is vital that we maintain high standards of fire safety on our premises for the protection of the lives of our staff, students and other premises users.
If you are concerned or have questions about the health and safety of your work or study report it as soon as possible.
Health and safety investigations are necessary to learn from incidents and so prevent a reoccurrence and for use in the event of a civil claim or HSE investigation.
Find out who is your health and safety departmental contact.
We have specialists who give advice on the use of ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation, noise and vibration and biological safety.
The University is committed to working with the union-appointed safety representatives to achieve a safe and healthy work environment for all.
As a member of staff you have a responsibility to look after your own health and safety and that of others who could be harmed by your work activities.
As a manager or supervisor, there are number of health and safety responsibilities you need to meet.
All senior managers are responsible for showing leadership on health and safety.
We are committed to ensuring that works are carried out in a safe and healthy environment for all.
Our University is required by law to ensure that staff who use DSE are trained in their safe use and have their workstation assessed for risk to their health.
Your role is to support and assist your Head of Department with co-ordinating, communicating and monitoring the arrangements for health and safety.
As a principal investigator you are responsible for the health and safety management of your research project and for the health and safety of staff you line manage.