A health and safety incident form must be completed for any health and safety incident involving anyone on our premises or during the course of organised work or student activities (e.g. field trips).
Please complete the form below and send it to safety@essex.ac.uk, marked 'Confidential'. You should keep a copy for your own records.
Health and safety incident form (.docx)
If you have a concern about health and safety you can also report this directly to safety@essex.ac.uk.
It is important incidents are reported to Health and Safety promptly, as certain incidents have to be reported to the enforcing authority within strict timescales. Report serious incidents (i.e. those needing emergency first aid) and dangerous occurrences to Security immediately, and complete an incident form within 24 hours. Other incidents (minor first aid and near misses) should be reported no later than five days after the incident.
The department, section or person responsible for the activity must ensure a form is completed. If they are able to do so, the injured person should report their incident. If they can’t, someone acting on their behalf can report the incident. Security officers may complete a form if they have provided first aid, however the responsible person must still submit a report of the accident from their perspective.
It is essential the report is as factual and accurate as possible as this may be used as evidence in the event of a claim. Any equipment involved in the accident should be retained for inspection. To assist the investigation a note should be made of environmental conditions at the time of the accident, for example:
If possible, include some photographs of the incident site.
The Information Centre at the Colchester Campus must be contacted immediately in the event of a serious accident or fire that occurs on any of our campuses, accommodation blocks or during a University-supervised activity (e.g. field trips). The Information Centre has the emergency contact details of the Health and Safety team and will notify them about the incident.
Any serious accidents or incident could result in a criminal investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), police or fire service. It is therefore important that:
Health and Safety's role will be to give advice, initiate an internal investigation and report to or liaise with enforcement officers.
If employees have been involved in a serious or traumatic incident, line managers should contact Occupational Health for advice on how to provide support. Additional physiotherapy or counselling support may be available through our insurers. Occupational Health can also be contacted for advice on work-related ill health.
A Health and Safety Adviser will review each form and will usually follow up with the injured person or their line manager, to confirm the circumstances.
Where an investigation is required the form is forwarded to the responsible manager along with the Health and Safety Incident Investigation Form. Serious incidents will be investigated by Health and Safety.
The form may be forwarded to others who can provide support or need to know for investigation purposes. For example:
Occupational Health
The information is also recorded on our database, so that we can analyse and report on trends and for incident prevention purposes. Please see the data protection statement below.
Your privacy: The information provided on our health and safety incident form and the data held on our systems is stored securely in the UK and kept in line with our retention schedules. It will only be disclosed within the University to employees who need to know it in order to carry out their duties, e.g. Occupational Health and the University Insurance Officer. Relevant information will be disclosed outside the University where it is required by law to do so. In the event of a personal injury claim, information may be disclosed to the University's Insurers. Anonymised data may also be disclosed to relevant Trade Union officials.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) requires us by law to report certain major injuries, dangerous occurrences and ill-health conditions to the HSE (the enforcing body for health and safety) within legally set timescales.
Reporting is carried out by Health and Safety. Departments/section are responsible for informing their Health and Safety Adviser of any incident that may be RIDDOR reportable so that the HSE can be informed.
RIDDOR sets out the requirement to report the following types of incident:
Further information on RIDDOR is available from the HSE leaflet reporting accidents and incidents at work (.pdf).