It's a legal requirement to carry out health and safety risk assessments where significant risk has been identified.
Our health and safety arrangements should take account of staff, students and visitors who may be at greater risk of harm from our activities.
The University is required by law to ensure that staff who use computers are trained in their safe use and have their workstation assessed for risk to their health.
A Stress Risk Assessment (SRA) is used to identify, manage and monitor stressors in relation to the HSE Management Standards.
Driving can be a very hazardous activity, so it is vital suitable systems are in place to ensure you are safe whilst driving for work.
If you are the event organiser you are responsible for ensuring that appropriate health and safety precautions are in place.
This guidance assists staff responsible for organising field trips to ensure appropriate arrangements for health and safety are in place.
This guidance covers the flying of small unmanned aircraft (eg. drones or model aircraft) on the University’s campuses.
The University is required to ensure the safety of those involved in manual handling, such as lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling or carrying.
Work that includes elements of lone working needs to be risk assessed and steps taken to eliminate or control the risks where necessary.
The University has a duty of care to all staff and students who wish to travel overseas.
The University has a duty of care to its students when travelling and studying/researching/working both in the UK and abroad.
Risk assessments for off-campus Student Social Action Projects.
Work at height needs to be properly planned, risk assessed, carried out by competent people and the right equipment used.
It is the responsibility of managers of storage areas to identify risks with their storage areas and control the risks as is practicable.
Hazards to be aware of in catering outlet environments.
Hazards to be aware of in office environments.
The University aims to provide a thermal environment that satisfies the majority of people most of the time.
Enjoy the lakes, but please take care as water can be dangerous. The following rules apply.
Hazards to be aware of in workshop environments.