We have a duty of care to all students when travelling and studying/researching/working as part of their degree course both in the UK and abroad. The law requires organisers of student placements to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that students are not placed in an environment where there are significant risks to their health and safety. To make this judgement, organisers need to take account of various risk factors, including those associated with the activity, location and individual students. The procedures are risk based, which means that for placements that are low risk, minimal action is needed.
Student placement risk assessment record (.docx)
Guidance on assessing the placement provider (.docx)
Employer health and safety checklist: UK placements (.docx)
Employer health and safety checklist: non-UK placements (.dotx)
Risk profiling and actions table (.pdf)
Small employer health and safety requirements (.pdf)
Diving checklist for overseas projects (.docx)
Choosing safe accommodation (.pdf)
Travel Insurance Application Form (Essex login required)
Some departments already have health and safety procedures in place for managing student placements. The procedures below do not replace departmental procedures, however it we recommend they are reviewed against these procedures and the USHA Health and Safety Guidance for the Placement of Higher Education Students (.pdf) to ensure that they are of a similar standard.
The student placement risk assessment record (.docx) is a formal record to show that all risks associated with the student placement have been assessed and appropriately managed. It will be based on information obtained from the host employer through discussion, email and/or the from the employer health and safety checklist form UK placements (.docx) or non-UK placements (.dotx)) and any other information you have about other risk factors (e.g. individual student factors such as disability, location/travel, student wellbeing).
You will need to complete the student placement risk assessment record sent via DocuSign using the risk profiling and actions table (.pdf) for guidance. The table also gives a range of possible actions depending on the risk. In many cases the risk will be low, and no further action will be needed. The risk assessment record can be used for a group of students going to the same placement location.
Students who will be completing clinical placements as part of their degree are required to obtain Occupational Health (OH) clearance to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit for all aspects of the course, and to protect the public who may be affected by your placement activities. More details are available on the
All students who are travelling overseas, or who are staying overnight and/or travelling by air within the UK for their placements will need to complete the Travel Insurance Application Form to obtain details of their insurance cover. The student should check with insurance for any help or queries completing this form. Students must also be advised that our insurance will not cover them for adventurous activities carried out recreationally (i.e. in their own time rather than as part of the work experience, study, or research), holiday time or personal possessions. For any queries regarding this the student should contact insurance@essex.ac.uk. When the student completes the Travel Insurance Application form, they will need to put Placements email address where appropriate. This will enable the relevant team to monitor and manage applications for insurance and completion of risk assessments and training where required.
If students have to make their own arrangements for accommodation during their placement, we recommend they are given guidance on choosing safe accommodation (.pdf), as well as completing the relevant accommodation checklist
Written communications with the host employer and student should clarify expectations and responsibilities in relation to health and safety.It may also be necessary to ask an employer to answer questions you may have regarding their management of health and safety.
We recommend the following statements (or something similar) are included in learning agreements or quality commitments:
Before a student undertakes study/research/work at a host location the Work-Based Learning Manager / Officer must check that the placement provider has suitable arrangements for health and safety and ensure that they have appropriate insurance.
Guidance on Assessing the Placement Provider (.docx) will help you to use a risk based approach to assessing the health and safety arrangements of an employer. The action needed will depend on the risks associated with the work placement and so the risk profiling and actions table (.pdf) should be used to determine appropriate action. If you need to take further action (e.g. if you need to ask the host employer for further information) you can either ask further specific questions, or use the Employer Health and Safety Checklist: UK Placements (.docx). Keep a record of communications with the placement provider and decisions made. The 'For University Use' box at the end of the Employer Health and Safety Checklist can be used for this purpose.
Some small UK employers may not have formal health and safety procedures and so may not be able to respond positively to the questions about health and safety processes. In these cases you could ask the employer to complete the HSE's Health and Safety Policy Template. See: Small Employer Health and Safety Requirements (.pdf).
For students undertaking study, research, or placement at a non-university host abroad the Work-Based Learning Manager / Officer must check that the placement provider has suitable arrangements for health and safety and appropriate insurance. This can be done by questioning or using the employer health and safety checklist: non-UK placements form (.dotx). The placement provider check must be completed before the student is accepted by the host, to avoid the student having to decline an offer on the grounds of the host's inability to comply with the health and safety requirements.
Guidance on Assessing the Placement Provider(.docx) gives information on what action is needed if the employee has answered negatively to any of the questions. The action needed will depend on the risks associated with the work placement and so the risk profiling and actions table (.pdf) should be used to determine appropriate action. If you need to take further action (eg if you need to ask the host employer for further information), record what you have done in the 'For University Use' box at the end of the employer health and safety checklist.
For students undertaking study, research, or a placement at a partner university the Essex Abroad office are responsible for ensuring that the partner university has adequate arrangements for student health and safety.
Information and requirements are set out on our
High risk travel requires a more detailed risk assessment and formal approval by:
In addition the relevant Executive Dean or the Registrar and Secretary will approve visits where the Crisis24Horizon risk rating is equal to or greater than 4.50.
For students, the following procedure ensures this process is carried out where necessary:
All health and safety assessment forms should be kept together in a file relating to the placement for at least a year after the placement finishes. If the placement provider is likely to be used again, or there were problems with the placement the records should be kept longer to inform future placement decisions.
The University has updated its travel process to include a Central COVID Risk Assessment for Overseas Travel (Student) (.pdf). This does not need to be filled in.
The traveller will be expected to refer to this risk assessment when planning their trip and will be required to check the COVID-19 restrictions of the country they are visiting. The general control measures in this risk assessment will be relevant for the majority of overseas trips, therefore there will no longer be a requirement for a separate COVID-19 risk assessment for every trip.
Where there is an additional COVID-19 risk identified which is over and above that detailed in the central COVID-19 risk assessment (for example if the type of activity increases the risk of transmission, or if the Crisis24Horizon medical category risk rating is higher than 3 due to COVID-19) then the traveller will need to address this in the relevant risk assessment form, in line with pre-pandemic overseas travel processes. There is no need to duplicate the information already contained in the central COVID-19 travel risk assessment. Only additional COVID-19 risks need to be considered on the risk assessment completed for overseas travel.
If you have any queries, feedback, or need help and advice on assessing the health and safety suitability of placements please contact the Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing team (WHSW).
The Student Placements Standard was approved by USG on 19 June 2017. It sets minimum requirements to ensure the safety of our students whilst they are on placement. It is based on the USHA publication: Health and Safety Guidance for the Placement of Higher Education Students (.pdf) and complements the ASET Health and Safety for Student Placement Guidance (.pdf).