Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Those who are exposed to noisy tools or processes, for example:
On employment, then annually for the first two years then three yearly.
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
On employment, then six weeks after exposure, then 12 weeks after exposure, then annually.
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Those who are working with skin irritants or sensitisers as defined by COSHH.
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Annual questionnaire and 3 yearly medical
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Prior to starting work with agents in Hazard Group 2 or 3 pathogens, Class 2 or 3 genetically modified organisms or human blood or tissue samples that may contain Group 2 or 3 pathogens.
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Regular or accidental exposure
Physical assessment
Initial then as per medical recommendation.
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Those working in confined spaces or at height
Physical assessment
Initial then as per medical recommendation
Examples of jobs (not exhaustive)
Those who undertake at least three hours of night work on a regular basis
*Will be required more frequently if abnormal results are detected.