We are legally required under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations and Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations to consult relevant employees before implementing changes involving equipment, processes, or work organisation that may substantially affect their health and safety, or regarding risk assessments and protective measures that cover their work activities.
The purpose of consultation is to ensure:
The consultation process flow chart (.pdf) outlines the consultation process.
Normally, the Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing (WHSW) team lead the development of University-wide health and safety standards to meet legal requirements for occupational health and safety. Occupational health related standards may also be led by the Director of People & Culture in consultation with the Director of Workplace, Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
Development of fire safety and premises-related health and safety standards will generally be led by the Estate Management Section, in consultation with WHSW.
Unions will be consulted through their safety representatives, who sit on Health and Safety Group. Heads of Department may be copied into consultations, but it is the Health and Safety Liaison Officer (HSLO) and/or Departmental Health and Safety Officer (DHSO) who should identify key consultees and communicate and coordinate consultations within their department.
The first draft of new or significantly revised standards should be accompanied by a brief outline of the reasons why the standard or proposed changes are needed. The Health and Safety Policy and revisions to it must always be approved by USG and Council.
Straightforward standards and revisions will be consulted on via consultation groups of key people identified as having a particular interest in the subject, either by email or meeting.
Standards or revisions to standards that will significantly impact on current practice must be approved by Health and Safety Group and University Steering Group (USG).
Generally consultees will be given four weeks to consult on each draft, unless there is a good reason why a shorter timescale is justified.
In some cases it may be necessary to produce a standard at short notice, to respond to a particular issue. In such cases consultation periods and the extent of those included in consultation may be reduced. However the Unions will always be consulted. The standard will also be included on the Health and Safety Group meeting immediately following its publication.
We welcome feedback on the policies and standards we produce. You can give us feedback any time and we will consider it when the document is next reviewed.
We will also publish documents undergoing consultation on this site, so that anyone can read and comment on them.
For significant consultations, consultation documents will be posted here to enable any member of the University Community to contribute their comments. No consultations at present.
No consultations at present.
If you want to submit comments on an HSE consultation document, you can either do so directly or forward them to the Health and Safety team, who will submit a response on behalf of the University.
Sets out our direction, responsibilities for action and arrangements for implementation. The Health and Safety Policy includes a statement reflecting our ethos, objectives and the overarching health and safety responsibilities which apply to all health and safety standards.
These are our arrangements for implementing the Health and Safety Policy and meeting legal requirements. They describe what action needs to be taken and by whom. There are various types of standard:
Safety representatives are employees, appointed by the trade union they belong to, to represent employees on health and safety. They can assist any employee who has a health and safety concern (you do not need to be a member of their union). Find out more about safety representatives and how to contact them. Their contact details can also be found on the Health and Safety Law poster displayed in your workplace.
By law, safety representatives must be consulted in good time on: