Tackling Racism Working Group

We’ve been listening to our community about what we need to do as a group and as an organisation to tackle the racism that exists in our practices, structures and policies.

One of the key themes that you have told us about is the lack of representation of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff at all levels of the University, and the disparities in pay and progression. We know that this is a vital part of combating racism, and we want to take steps to solving this issue.

At the moment, it’s difficult for us to quantify the issue of representation, as a significant proportion of our staff have not disclosed their ethnicity. The low numbers of disclosure means that we are unable to draw any conclusions from the data we hold.

What can I do to make sure my profile counts?

This is where you can do your part to tackle racism, and make sure that your profile counts by updating your sensitive information on HR Organiser.

By updating this information, you will be directly contributing to our efforts, ensuring that the University is a fair and inclusive place to work.

You can also be assured that the information you provide is considered to require particular care, and will be held securely and treated as strictly confidential in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

More information about how your privacy is protected and how long your data is held can be found in our Privacy Notices.