Our LGBTQ Staff and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Forums tell us the significance of the Progress flag and why the University is proud to fly it.

At Essex, we celebrate diversity, challenge inequality and are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where members of our LGBTQ+ communities feel safe and supported.

Since 2017, the University has flown the Rainbow flag on Colchester Campus for LGBT+ History Month (February) and Pride Month (June). From this point on, we will replace this with the Progress flag.

What is the Progress flag?

The Progress Flag was designed by Daniel Quasar, who created it to represent the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community. The flag builds upon the Rainbow flag with the addition of five coloured chevrons. The black and brown lines represent Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic LGBTQ+ people and the baby blue, pink and white lines incorporate colours used for the Transgender Pride flag.

Why now?

We are committed to ensuring equality and support for our LGBTQ staff and students. We recognise that the discrimination experienced by LGBTQ people can be exacerbated by racism and discrimination based on other characteristics.

Flying the Progress flag is important to us, as we want to show our commitment to including all LGBTQ+ people, and to ensure that those who may be most marginalised have a visible presence and are celebrated within our community.

Supporting you

The University is committed to establishing an environment that is free from harassment or bullying. Reports of harassment, including homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and racism, can be reported through Report and Support.

Who we are

Ongoing areas of work to tackle racism and ensure LGBTQ staff and student inclusion are supported by our University Inclusion Champions: Professor Moya Lloyd (Inclusion Champion- Sexual Orientation), Professor Christine Raines (Inclusion Champion- Trans) and Professor Madeline Eacott (Inclusion Champion- Race).

Get involved

LGBTQ staff support can be found on our Staff Directory, and information on how to support LGBTQ students is also available.

The LGBTQ Staff Forum is a community group, made up of LGBTQ staff and PhD students, who offer each other informal peer support, share LGBTQ resources and set up social activities for the LGBTQ community within the University.

The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Forum is a community group made up of staff (including academic staff, professional services and PhD students) who identify as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. The aim of the Forum is to provide a place to share experiences, discuss ideas and visions, as well as to provide support for colleagues where this is needed.