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Christmas is a wonderful time of year, however it can also be an incredibly wasteful and costly time of year too.

These are some easy ways to reduce your waste and also save money:

  • When selecting your Christmas paper opt for non foil based paper. Foil lined paper cannot be recycled so has to be disposed of in the general waste bin. You can check out if you can recycle paper by doing the scrunch test! Even better wrap your presents in brown paper.
  • Plan your Christmas food and buy what you need, think about what you can make with your leftovers and remember to freeze whatever you don’t need to use for another day. This will help you reduce the amount of food that is waste and save you money.
  • Avoid buying paper and card with glitter on it as it cannot be recycled.
  • Heading out for a warm hot chocolate? Take your reusable cup with you, you save some money.
  • When thinking of gifts, why not give the gift of your time over buying something someone may not need.
  • You could make your own Christmas cards and tags out of old cards you have been given.
  • Shop local and support local businesses.
  • Switch to LED Christmas lights – remember to turn these off when they aren’t in use.
  • Avoid disposable cutlery.
  • Create a homemade wreath.
  • Think about your outfit – look through your wardrobe for something you may not have worn for a while, alternatively check out Vinted which is a website where you can sell and buy clothes.
  • Eat less meat over the Christmas period – here our some great vegetarian Christmas recipes
  • The Love Food Hate Waste website has some great recipes in which you can use over Christmas.

Check out our social media where we will be sharing Christmas tips and activities that you can do at home:

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