We have a lot of furniture here at Essex for reuse from desks, tables, chairs to filing cabinets and more! As a team we have introduced a furniture reuse scheme to reduce the amount of furniture going into the waste stream which is in a good enough condition to be reused.

If you have furniture no longer required of or have any requests, please try the below:

  • University-owned furniture (such as office items) can be advertised to other departments via Small Ads.
  • If these items are not claimed they can be collected and sent to the storage facility.
  • Damaged items can be removed by the Estates team. Please contact the Estates Helpdesk) in the first instance.
  • If you are looking to buy new furniture please consider the need; there may be other items available elsewhere on campus. Please try a 'wanted' ad on Small Ads for ad-hoc requests, or the Estates team.
  • A designated storage facility houses various pieces of furniture and we are working to make it easier to find and obtain used, but perfectly serviceable items on our campuses. Please contact the Estates Helpdesk) in the first instance if you have a request.

Thank you to everyone who has used the scheme. Since 2023 we have saved 4500kg going into our waste stream which is the equivalent of the weight of ten polar bears! This scheme has not only helped departments get the furniture they need but has saved an impressive 9000kgs of CO2(e) in carbon footprint.