In 2015, I was lucky enough to be offered a role on the University Council as an external member and a trustee. Since then, I have enjoyed roles on many committees of Council, and have presided over countless graduation ceremonies – a huge highlight for me – in my role as Chair of Council, which I have held since 2019. At the end of July this year, I will step down as Chair, and hand over the reins to Melanie Leech, who I know will be superb.

These last nine years have been among the best of my professional life. I have loved being part of this vibrant, diverse and talented community. I am delighted and honoured to have witnessed the University going from strength to strength, navigating external challenges and continuing, no matter what, to provide transformational education to many thousands of students and to undertake groundbreaking research across many disciplines.

I have been introduced to the most exciting basketball I think I have ever witnessed, students who are engaged, motivated and insightful, as well as to research from many fields, including, memorably, vertical farms, dedicated support for vulnerable communities, and innovative approaches to the management of health. I have seen the impact of Essex research on policy and wider society. At Essex, it is clear that we make a difference.

It can’t be denied that the higher education sector is going through challenging times. The resilience, agility and creativity of the entire Essex community has impressed me immensely, however. Through the hard work and dedication of all teams, our university is as prepared as it can be to face the future. I have many hopes for the future for Essex. The most recent NSS scores – the best we have seen for years – are testament to the hard work and excellence that have been put into ensuring a high-quality student experience. Our performance in the last Research Excellence Framework was also outstanding, with four subjects appearing in the UK top 10 for research quality and five in the UK Top 10 for research power.

This all speaks to a continued rise for Essex, mirroring the recent improvements in league table rankings – taking us into the top 30 in both the Complete and the Guardian University Guides – and our continued excellent performance in both the global impact rankings, where we are 58th, and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, where we hold one of the top spots in the UK. None of this would have been possible without the dedication and diligence of everyone in the University.

It has been a joy to work with you all and to meet so many students, members of staff and other external members on Council. As my term of office draws to a close, I am hopeful – and confident – for continued success for the University, and I wish you all the very best for the future.