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A few weeks ago, in my role as Inclusion Champion for Jewish students and staff, I had the privilege to take part in the building of a sukkah alongside members of our Jewish community here at Essex.

A sukkah is temporary hut or dwelling, usually covered with foliage, that many Jewish people set up to celebrate Sukkot, a Biblical holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. This year, which is Hebrew year 5785, Sukkot began at sundown on Wednesday 16 October and ended at nightfall on Wednesday 23 October.

Sukkot celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection G-d provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt. The sukkah symbolizes the huts people lived in during their 40 years in the desert after leaving Egypt and serves as a reminder that G-d still watches over people today.

All of this – and much more – I learnt when I took part in the setting up of our own sukkah, at our Colchester Campus. The sukkah was built by our Jewish students and their friends and was up for a week, during which many other members of the University community had a chance to visit and learn about Sukkot.

A montage of images showing Sukkot celebrations at our Colchester Campus

For me, it was a joyful and meaningful experience, and a valuable opportunity to connect with our Jewish Student Society (JSoc) and meet their new President Natalie Heath. Here, Natalie tells us a bit more about JSoc and their plans for the rest of the year.

JSoc at Essex

My goal this year has been to make JSoc a louder and prouder presence on campus, and to get more students involved in the process. Putting on events such as our activities during Sukkot is incredibly meaningful to our members. Throughout the rest of the year, JSoc intends to host Shabbat dinners, celebrate Jewish holidays, host fun activities and educational events, and overall create a positive and inclusive environment for our members, and for the wider Jewish community on campus.

One of our upcoming events will be our Charity Bake Sale for Mitzvah Day, a day where many Jewish people and other faith communities around the world commit to doing good deeds and making the world a better place. If you'll be passing by Square 3 on Colchester campus on Sunday 24 November, come visit our bake sale at 11am-2pm for a sweet treat! 100% of money spent will go towards a charity chosen by our members.

If you want to find out more and get involved with JSoc in 2024-2025, please reach out to me on email.