Essex Women's Network

Inspire, Challenge, Succeed - the Essex Women’s Network was set up in 2015 in response to the University’s work with Athena SWANAthena SWANAthena SWAN and provides a forum for women to share ideas and provide mutual support.

What we do

By acting as a forum for discussion and a unified voice, it helps to raise issues and address career challenges that women face. The network also provides:

  • informal mentoring
  • networking opportunities
  • access to a range of role models
  • a variety of initiatives to improve retention and promotion for women.


The network is open to all employees who work at our University and also to PhD students. It is a member-led initiative run by women for women, but all employees are welcome to attend events, participate in activities or submit comments.

Our aims

The aims of the Essex Women’s Network is to:

  • raise awareness of the network and its activities
  • encourage more employees to engage with the gender equality and diversity agendas
  • provide a range of events and activities that support women’s careers across the institution
  • be a voice for women within the institution
  • make regional links with local business networks and women’s charities

Interested in joining us?

You can subscribe to the mailing list. Please circulate to friends and colleagues who might be interested in joining the network and attending any of the events.

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