People and Culture retention schedule

Prepared: Spring 2005
Effective from: 1 October 2005
Due for Review: Spring 2008

Records retention and disposal is the process by which the University decides whether records that are no longer current should be destroyed or transferred to the archive. All University records fall into three categories:

  • Current (when data may be added to the record);  
  • Semi-current (when the record has been closed but is used as a reference tool for administrative purposes);  
  • Archived (when it has been selected for permanent retention in the University archive).

The retention period refers to the life of the record as a "current” or "semi-current” record. When a record reaches the end of its retention period, it must be either destroyed or archived permanently.

Records retention schedule

The following retention schedule provides a structured framework for the retention and disposal of all records managed by all the Human Resources Office. It is expected that, following the review of the Human Resources Records Management Policy, records managed by the Learning and Development Office and Occupational Health Service will be included in the schedule. The schedule should be read and used in conjunction with the Section's records management policy and relevant procedure document.

CCY=Current calendar year
CAY=Current academic year
CFY=Current financial year

Description of Record Category Retention Period Action taken at the end of the record lifecycle Archive Details/Notes
Personnel Database - Paradigm F29.14 Permanent – amended as necessary Permanent Held electronically in the Personnel Office
Personal Files: Permanent Staff F29.14 Termination of relationship + 6 Destroyed N/A
Personal Files: Temporary Staff F29.14 Retirement + 6 Destroyed N/A
Recruitment (Job) Files F29.7 Termination of relationship + 2 Destroyed N/A
Ethnic Monitoring Questionnaires F29.7 CCY + 1 Destroyed N/A
Annual Review – Support Staff F29.11 Destroyed immediately Destroyed N/A
Annual Review – Academic Staff F29.11 CCY + 6 Destroyed N/A
Study Leave Spreadsheet F29.14 CCY + 6 Held Permanently Held electronically in the Personnel Office
Outside Paid Work Spreadsheet F29.14 Permanent – amended as necessary Held Permanently Held electronically in the Personnel Office
Joint Grading Panels F29.6 Permanent – amended as necessary Destroyed N/A
Higher Education Role Analysis/job evaluation F29.6 CCY + 6 Destroyed N/A
Criminal Records Bureau Disclosures F29.7 CCY + 6 Destroyed N/A
Finance and Strategy Staffing Sub-Committee F29.14 C + six months Archive Papers held in the Personnel Office
Senate Staffing Committee F29.14 Permanent Archive Papers held in the Personnel Office
Standing Committee on Professorships F29.11


Archive Papers held in the Personnel Office
Equal Opportunities Steering Group F29.12




Archive Papers held in the Personnel Office
Day Nursery Management Group F29.12 Permanent Archive Papers held in the Personnel Office
Budget Records: Cost Centre Reports and Detailed Expenses F28.12 CFY + 6 Destroyed N/A
Description of Record Category Retention Period Action taken at the end of the record lifecycle Archive Details/Notes
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) submissions E22.6 CAY+ 10 Destroyed N/A
Internal Recruitment Statistics F29.6 CCY + 5 Destroyed N/A
Equal Opportunities Statistics F29.6 CCY + 5 Destroyed N/A
Recruitment Advertisements F29.7 CCY + 2 Destroyed N/A
Sickness Absence records: Personnel Office and Occupational Health F29.14 CCY + 3 Destroyed N/A
Personnel Policies and Codes of Practice F29.4 Permanent Archive Held in the Personnel Office
Post Establishment Files F29.6 CAY + 6 Destroyed
University Visitors F29.14 CCY + 2 Destroyed N/A
External Audit E19.6 Permanent Archive Held in the Personnel Office
Administrative Services Review (Internal Audit) E19.6 Permanent Archive Held in the Personnel Office
Human Resources Strategy F29.1 Permanent Archive Held in the Personnel Office

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