These are designed to ensure the information provided by quality assurance and enhancement processes is scrutinised by the appropriate experts and representatives from across the University's staff and students, that best practice is shared, and areas for enhancement are addressed. In this way, academic standards and quality at the University are protected.
These reporting structures apply to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) provision for the following matters:
Partner institutions should refer to the information for partners which sets out the relevant approval structures which apply.
Monitoring, review and approval of skills provision, such as the PG CHEP, is considered directly by AQSC to ensure cross-faculty and departmental consideration. Where approval has been delegated to the Executive or Faculty Dean, or consideration is required by the Dean(s) in advance of committee approval (as set out in the PDFs above), the Deans of the faculty of Arts and Humanities will consider requests (in consultation with other Deans where they consider this to be appropriate).
Where the Executive Dean has the authority to approve matters on behalf of the Faculty Education Committee, the Dean may opt to refer the matter to the Faculty Education Committee for consideration. Some tasks typically undertaken by the Dean, may be undertaken either by the Executive or Faculty Dean.