All courses and modules are updated annually as part of the ongoing cycle of monitoring and review. Course and module developments can be triggered by a range of activity, such as:
Decisions are made based on the information we publish and share about our courses and modules. So it’s important for current and prospective students to be given accurate and reliable information at the time they’re making their course and module choices.
There are key deadlines that departments must meet to ensure both prospective and current students are provided with the information they need to decide which course to apply for and which modules they would like to choose. Changes are considered for implementation at the requested time wherever possible.
Departments wishing to temporarily suspend recruitment to a course or to permanently discontinue a course should complete the course discontinuation/suspension form (.docx) and send this to the Quality and Academic Development team.
Variations to the University’s rules of assessment for existing courses and modules must be considered by the Rules of Assessment Advisory Group, who will make a recommendation to the Education Committee. Ultimate approval is granted by the Senate.
The nature and scale of change requested will dictate whether approval is needed and when changes can be introduced.