Our photography style

Our photography helps tell the Essex story – to showcase our diverse global community, creative research and iconic buildings.

It helps us express our University identity – vibrant, bold, and welcoming.

Our photography guidelines

You should follow our photography guidelines when taking or using images.

  • Our photography must be strong enough to tell the Essex story.
  • It should provoke an emotion, a question or an action.
  • Our images should express our personality and Essex spirit – bold and vibrant.
  • We only use Essex students and staff in our photography where possible.
  • Stock photography may be used in certain situations, e.g. sensitive campaigns where it would be inappropriate to use Essex students or staff, or where suitable images are unavailable

Taking or choosing an image

  • Think about how the image relates to your message and what value it adds, e.g. show engaged people not an empty path.
  • People should look natural, not posed in front of the camera [2&4]. Looking directly at the camera can look unnatural.
  • Candid shots add a human element to our brand. More than one person, there should be interaction with each other. [1&3]
  • Do not use manipulated images or generated using AI.
  • Use any cut-outs with caution – they should look natural, not obvious.
  • Look out for splashes of colour – from a pink chair [2] to a yellow top [4]. A pop of colour gives it an added Essex feel.
  • Be thoughtful about props – these should positively reflect our efforts in declaring a Climate Emergency e.g. avoid single-use plastic bottles or coffee cups.
  • Make sure you have permission for using people's photos. Signs are often displayed at our events

Choose vibrant, colourful, and engaging images - showcasing real Essex people and real Essex experiences, to help tell our Essex story.

Using background textures

Subject-matter related textures can be used as a background.

Textures taken from our built environment are authentically Essex.

  • only use textures when they to add value to a design background.
  • texture choice is dependant on where on campus the subject matter relates to.
  • take care to ensure the texture complements any overlaid text.
  • texture must only be used with colour

Please contact branding@essex.ac.uk for advice on using textured backgrounds.

Our image library

We have a user-friendly image library. This resource functions as a central hub where we can all share our high-quality images. This helps us to save money, avoid duplication of effort and give us all access to the very best images.

To search our image directory, you can access our online database: Filecamp image library.

Our Marketing team manage our image library and ensure all our photography used for marketing and recruitment follows our visual style.

For further information on how to access, search and download images for use in marketing materials, please contact marketing-photos@essex.ac.uk

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Contact us
Brand management team Contact us for advice and guidance on expressing our University identity.