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Personal Tutors work with the department to provide the tutees with essential information. All Personal Tutors are supported by a Senior Personal Tutor who can be contacted for further advice, information and training.
Responsibilities of the role
All Personal Tutors meet with their tutees at the start of their course and arrange regular meetings each term. These can be arranged individually or in small groups. There should be a minimum of three meetings per year.
Personal Tutors are a first point of contact for their tutees and provide general and academic support. This does not replace individual support from specialist support services and Personal Tutors will always signpost to these services as needed.
At the meetings Personal Tutors will have access to our Learner Engagement Activity Portal (LEAP) and use this to discuss academic progress with their tutees. They explore any issues affecting progression and engagement (e.g. academic, personal, financial, accommodation or similar issues). The meetings can also be used to discuss the transition between years and into ‘graduate life’.
If a Personal Tutor has any concerns about their tutee’s wellbeing they refer them to the relevant specialist support service. If they are unsure of the exact support the student may need they discuss their concerns with the Senior Personal Tutor.
A record of all meetings is included on the LEAP system. This includes details of any referrals. Content of the meetings is not necessarily included and not without student permission.
Personal Tutors provide references, if appropriate, for further academic study or employment.
Personal Tutors complete any essential training requirements for the role as well as familiarise themselves and keep up to date with the support services available to students in order to facilitate signposting and referrals.
Personal tutors may provide the ability to request additional top-ups to students who require additional printing services for academic purposes. Tutors will need to submit the High Volume Printing form on their students' behalf.