We are committed to ensuring that all members of our community are able to participate fully and equally in campus life. If your query is not easily answered via these pages, please do not hesitate to contact the inclusion team.
We work in partnership with national disability organisation AccessAble who provide detailed online access guides to many of our campus buildings and facilities. Details on the buildings audited by AccessAble can be found throughout our site.
See up-to-date information regarding any works taking place on campus which may have an impact on access or produce increased noise.
The Inclusion team is one of several teams that has responsibility for progressing disability issues at our University. Their remit includes:
Depending on the issue, other teams that may need to be consulted include, Estates and Campus Services, Digital Innovation and Technology Services, as well as the Inclusion Champion for Disability.
Our Essex Access Forum is a discussion forum and consultation body working to support excellence in all aspects of physical and intellectual access (open to all).
Read our fire safety information and advice specific to disability including Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs). PEEPs are individual plans put in place for people with mobility impairments which could affect their ability to evacuate campus buildings in the event of an emergency.
Our Occupational Health team provides advice and support to disabled staff such as assessments for accessible parking spaces and adaptations to the working environment.
If you feel that you are being subjected to harassment or bullying in any form, there is help available to you through our Report and Support service. We have appointed and trained a network of Harassment Support Workers who will listen to you and offer advice and support.