Health and safety performance monitoring

Reporting on health and safety performance is necessary to enable Council and University Steering Group (USG) to fulfil their leadership responsibilities. They need to be kept aware of health and safety risks and any potential shortcomings that could result in prosecution or a serious health and safety incident.

Health and Safety Performance Measures

Every year USG and Council agree a set of health and safety key performance indicators (KPIs). These are readily measurable actions considered particularly important to demonstrate health and safety compliance and to the achievement of our health and safety objectives. They cover leadership, culture and capability, risk management and compliance. Heads of Department / Section are notified of the current KPIs through a Health and Safety Bulletin.

Health and Safety Monitoring Form

Every six months, Heads of Department are required to complete and submit a Health and Safety Monitoring Form to their Faculty Manager (Academic Departments); the Assistant Registrar (Professional Services Sections) or the Head of Customer Services (UECS) to report on relevant health and safety KPIs. The Form will need to be completed so that the information can be added to annual and interim health and safety reports for USG and Council. Heads of Department will be notified of when to complete the form by Health and Safety Bulletin.

Health and Safety Monitoring Executive Summary Report

The Health and Safety Monitoring Executive Summary Report has been developed for use by the Divisions (i.e. the Faculties and Professional Services) to summarise and report back to Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing (WHSW) on the outcome. The Faculty Manager (or, for Professional Services, the Assistant Registrar) supports their Executive Dean / the Registrar and Secretary in ensuring that Health and Safety Monitoring Executive Summary Report is completed and sent to WHSW. WHSW will then use the information to inform the annual and interim health and safety reports for USG and Council.

Health and Safety Monitoring timetable for 2024-25

Note: A reminder will be included in the annual bulletin on KPIs of process and timings for Interim and Annual reporting for the coming year. Monitoring Forms will be posted on this site shortly before issue.

Annual report deadlines Detail
TBA  Heads of Department / Section (HoD) will be sent the Health and Safety Monitoring Form (CC Faculty Managers and Assistant Registrar/ UECS Customer Services Manager) requesting that they complete the form and send it to the Faculty Manager / Assistant Registrar/ UECS Customer Services Manager by TBA. The HoD must submit only one form for their department.
TBA Once completed forms are received Faculty Manager/ Assistant Registrar will support their Head of Division in ensuring the Executive Summary Form is completed, signed, scanned and sent to Summary reports to be forwarded by TBA. Any concerns discussed with relevant Head of Department.
TBA Information received by WHSW and incorporated into annual report.
Interim report deadlines Detail
11th February 2025 Heads of Department / Section (HoD) will be sent the Health and Safety Monitoring Form (CC Faculty Managers and Assistant Registrar/ UECS Customer Services Manager) requesting that they complete the form and send it to the Faculty Manager / Assistant Registrar/ UECS Customer Services Manager by 11 February 2025. The HoD must submit only one form for their department.
26th February 2025 Once completed forms are received Faculty Manager/ Assistant Registrar will support their Head of Division in ensuring the Executive Summary Form is completed, signed, scanned and sent to by 26 February 2025. Any concerns discussed with relevant Head of Department.
26th February 2025

Information received by WHSW and incorporated into interim report.

Annual and Interim Reports on Health and Safety Performance

USG, Audit and Risk Management Committee and Council are provided with six-monthly reports on health and safety performance. The reports provide the following:

  • a summary of progress with implementing the University’s current Health and Safety Plan (.pdf, Essex users only)
  • performance against our health and safety KPIs
  • performance data on health and safety and fire incidents, sickness, and security
  • other significant activities and incidents.

The reports are considered by the Health and Safety Group prior to being submitted to USG for approval and submission to Audit and Risk Management Committee and Council.

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Contact us
Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Telephone: 01206 872944