As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion within and beyond its community, individual members of the University Steering Group (USG) act as champions in relation to certain characteristics, whether those be specific protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (EA) or areas where, as a University, we choose to have policies that protect individual characteristics in addition to those prescribed by the EA when and to the extent that this is legally permissible.
Creating an inclusive environment is central to our institutional mission, values and objectives. We are committed to addressing under-representation where it exists, celebrating the diversity of our students and employees, nurturing communities of belonging in which all are accepted without exception, and promoting inclusion, well-being, resilience and empowerment to enable everyone to reach their full potential. Every member of our community has a part to play, but as senior leaders, members of USG have a particular responsibility to act as inclusive role models and connect their everyday decisions, behaviours and actions with our values. USG members each have action plans, which set out individual activities and objectives for each academic year.
The role of Inclusion Champions is to:
Acting Vice-Chancellor
Office of the Vice-Chancellor, University of EssexInclusion Champion: Age, Sex, Gender, Pregnancy and Maternity, Marriage and Civil Partnership
Professor Sanja Bahun
Executive Dean (Arts and Humanities), University of EssexInclusion Champion: Jewish staff and students
Registrar and Secretary
Office of the Vice-Chancellor, University of EssexInclusion Champion: Disability
Chief of Staff
Office of the Vice-Chancellor, University of EssexInclusion Champion: LGBTQ+
Director of Finance
Finance, Planning and Data Insight Section, University of EssexInclusion Champion: Faith and belief
Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) and Professor (R)
Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of EssexInclusion Champion: Trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people
Executive Dean (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of EssexInclusion Champion: Muslim staff and students
Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education)
East !5 Acting School, University of EssexInclusion Champion: Race