Intellectual property protection and exploitation

Intellectual property protections

Intellectual Property Rights give legal recognition to the ownership of intellectual property. Some rights are automatic, but others require action in order to gain IP protection.

Licensing is often the most effective way of controlling the transfer of technology from the University to industry. It enables us to maintain ownership, and therefore control, of our IP whilst at the same time generating royalty income from the its use by industry.

An IP License Agreement is a contract under which an owner of IP (the licensor) permits another person (the licensee) to engage in activities that, in the absence of the license agreement, would infringe the licensor's legal rights attaching to the IP.

Spin-out policy

We follow the USIT Guide which was developed in response to the government review of spin-outs and plan to review our policies to make sure that the practices within are explicitly incorporated.

Find out more

Rob Walker, Head of Business Engagement
Get in touch
Robert Walker Acting Deputy Director (Enterprise)
Research and Enterprise Office