Research funding application process

Step 1: Contact us

Please make sure you allow sufficient time for your application to be made. Contact the Pre-Award team as soon as you decide to apply for funding and we'll agree a realistic timescale for preparation and submission.

Please email an indication of the sponsor, the grant scheme to which you intend to apply, and the submission deadline (if applicable). A member of the team will contact you with further information, and will be your point of contact throughout the process. You can meet with the team to discuss your application at any stage.

Step 2: Project costings and application form

While you complete your application form, the Pre-Award Team will prepare accurate costings that conform to the sponsor’s guidelines, based on information that you provide.

To help you complete your application:

Step 3: Checking the application

The Pre-Award team will check your finalised application to ensure that it conforms to the sponsor's guidelines and our University policies.

Step 4: Obtaining authorisation

All concept notes, letters of intent, expressions of interest, outlines and full applications must be authorised before submission, even when they contain no costing information.

Our University has designated institutional signatories. Neither you nor your Head of Department is authorised to sign an application form on behalf of the University.

Once your application and budget are complete, your Research Support Assistant will submit the proposal for authorisation via the Research Costing and Pricing (RCP) system. This system removes the need for an authorisation form, as it sends an automated email requesting the applicant to log into the system and ‘approve’ the application. Once the applicant has given approval, the system then contacts the Head of Department to request approval, following which the institutional signatory in the REO is contacted to complete the authorisation process.

Find out how to use the electronic authorisation system.

Step 5: Submission

Post and email submissions

If the sponsor requires a posted or emailed copy of your application, it is your responsibility to send it. If you cannot, you need to arrange for a member of your department to do this for you.

Electronic submission systems

You'll submit your application electronically yourself, but your Research Support Assistant can give you help and advice in using the system.

Systems we use

We're currently registered to use the following systems:

  • AMS (Cancer Research UK)
  • Ariba (Essex County Council)
  • Bravosolution (Home Office)
  • CC Grant Tracker (Alzheimer’s Research UK)
  • CCS eSourcing (DWP; Cabinet Office)
  • CDE (Ministry of Defence)
  • Crown Commercial Service (Cabinet Office)
  • eBRAP (US Department of Defense)
  • ECAS (EC and ERC)
  • e-GAP2 (British Academy; Royal Society)
  • eGMS (Cancer Research UK)
  • eGrants (Wellcome Trust)
  • Electronic Applicant Portal (IZA/DFID)
  • EMITS (European Space Agency)
  • eRA Commons (NIH)
  • eSourcing (Ministry of Justice)
  • FastLand (NSF)
  • GAS (Leverhulme Trust)
  • Grant Portal (Open Society Foundations)
  • Je-S (all UK Research Councils, currently being replaced by the UKRI Funding Service)
  • PADOR (EuropeAid)proposalCENTRAL (various sponsors)
  • Research Fund Applications Platform (AXA)
  • SAM (formerly CCR)Sell2Wales
  • UKRI Funding Service (replaces Je-S from January 2024)

The Pre-Award team is responsible for registering the University with new submissions systems. However, please bear in mind that registration can take more time than you expect, so please give plenty of warning if you intend to apply through a system not listed above.

Help with Je-S / UKRI Funding Service

Important information about the retirement of Je-S

Je-S has started to be replaced by the UKRI Funding Service. The timeline of the transition from Je-S to the Funding Service varies between research councils and ongoing service in Je-S has been confirmed until the end of 2024. More information on the transition can be found on the UKRI website.

Getting a username and password

For Je-S, if you're a new member of staff then you'll need to register. You will then need to wait for your registration to be confirmed by email.

For the UKRI Funding Service, you can only create an account when you start your first application using the service.

To create an account on the UKRI Funding Service, you will need:

  • to confirm you’ll be leading the project, for example as a project lead or fellow
  • the name of your organisation
  • your email address

Lost usernames and passwords

If you think you may already be registered for Je-S, please email the Pre-Award Team who can check for you. If you're already registered, but have forgotten your password, please contact the Je-S Helpdesk by emailing or calling 01793 444164.

For the UKRI Funding Service, passwords can be reset on the login screen.

Using the system


We can help you set up your form when you log in and give you guidance on using the system. We can also provide ongoing support as your application progresses. At the submission stage, we'll give you guidance on how to submit your application.

UKRI Funding Service

Please note that because the UKRI Funding Service is a new and developing replacement for Je-S, we may have different or more limited access to your application than we had in Je-S. Please discuss with REO Pre-Award if you are submitting using the Funding Service. 

Service level agreement

The following service level agreement applies to the application process:

  • a date for a meeting to discuss a proposal or contract will be offered within four working days
  • figures for salary costs will be provided within four working days
  • a complete final proposal that has been discussed with the Research Support Assistants will normally be checked and authorised in three working days
  • a contract that has been drafted within the REO and agreed by all parties will be checked and signed within three working days

Please bear in mind that these timings are simply a guide to the main stages in preparing an application. Resolving the queries and issues that inevitably arise during the application process, and revisions to the initial costings, may all take additional time.

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REO Pre-Award