PGR students play an invaluable role in supporting the University’s delivery of excellent teaching through their role as Assistant Lecturers (AL) (formerly GTAs) and Graduate Laboratory Assistants (GLA). In recognition of this, the University pays and contracts ALs and GLAs in line with other employees to ensure they are treated fairly. To support teaching excellence, it is important that departments provide support and development throughout the role in addition to the core central training provided.
The following information covers recruitment, contracts, pay, expectations of the role and the department, training and support, and lastly, opportunities for those who don’t teach but are interested in developing the education side of an academic role.
The following two guidance documents should provide all the information needed to recruit, contract, train and support your graduate teaching staff.
These documents will also provide a complete overview of the role, expectations, and responsibilities of ALs, GLAs and their departments, so should be helpful for both graduate teachers and departments who employ them. If you know the information you need you can also access much of it directly using the links below.
Please note: If the links above do not work, try copying the link address into your browser. You will need to login to your Essex account to access these documents.
For more information about recruitment, contracts and pay, contact:
A small number of AL roles may include a broad range of responsibilities (which will include a substantial contribution towards designing and planning modules and assessment) and where relevant it may be suitable to:
PGR students not in an AL role can engage with a range of education development opportunities (both online and face-to-face); through Moodle or bookable via Proficio. Please note some opportunities may require payment through drawing down Proficio funds. Example opportunities include the below: