Departments, researchers and professional service staff can access support from Communications, Brand and Marketing to discuss social media accounts, develop a social media strategy and receive training.
We also recommend getting in touch with your relevant marketing contact for support for using social media for student recruitment:
The Social Stakeholders Network. This group aims to bring together those in the academic and professional services sections who have a responsibility for social media accounts or manage those who do. Within this group you can access:
Communications can also offer support on:
One of the most common underestimations of social media management is how long it can take to think of, write and find images/video for strong social media posts. It can often feel daunting and difficult to think of something different and interesting to post, to solve this we recommend adopting a content strategy.
A content strategy will help you remember the bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve and take you through a process of matching different types of content to this and to a content calendar. We recommend breaking down content into ‘internal’ (University sourced content) and ‘external’ (student or third party sourced content).
It is also useful to create a content calendar to match content to appropriate dates and help spread out and schedule in posts for later.
When planning content, always think about: