Safeguarding training

How we work at Essex essential training includes information about our Policy on Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk and associated processes and has been designed to support you to recognise and escalate safeguarding concerns about members of our community.  Additional safeguarding training resources are available to support you in your role. If you would like further information on these resources, speak with your manager or email

Introduction to Safeguarding Moodle module

Our Introduction to Safeguarding module will help you to:

  • understand the legislation around safeguarding children and adults at risk, as well as those who may be susceptible to radicalisation;
  • recognise the signs of abuse and neglect;
  • know what to do when you have a safeguarding concern.

You may be required to complete this training because:

  • you are studying a module or course that means you will be in contact with children and/or adults at risk and the University require that you have a Disclosure and Barring Service Check;
  • research, volunteering or another activity you carry out for the University may bring you in contact with children or adults at risk.  

We recommend that you allow 30 minutes to complete the Introduction to Safeguarding module.  

Safeguarding at the University Training

Our Safeguarding at the University Training will help you to:

  • grasp the legal and frequently adopted definitions of safeguarding children and adults at risk
  • recognise what may cause an individual to be vulnerable to abuse or neglect
  • know how to escalate a concern about a member of our community.  The training will tackle concerns about information sharing and discuss how safeguarding cases are managed
  • embed learning by discussing case studies in order to see how safeguarding works in practice

On-campus and online Zoom Safeguarding at the University sessions are scheduled through the year. 

Prevent Duty in Higher Education on Moodle

Department for Education’s Prevent Duty in Higher Education Moodle module is essential training for all members of the Safeguarding Advisory Group, USG, ARMC and Council. Contact us for more details.

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Contact us
Safeguarding Contact us if you have any queries about safeguarding or training.