Essex Research Repository

Our Research Repository is the open access institutional repository for the University of Essex. It's a showcase for our cutting edge research and an online archive to increase the visibility and impact of our pioneering work in all disciplines. The full text of many items is available and can be used free of charge for non-commercial, personal study.

Content includes:

  • journal articles
  • conference papers
  • working papers
  • reports
  • book chapters
  • multimedia
  • audio-visual materials

Find out more about the benefits of depositing your work in our Research Repository (.pdf).

How to deposit

We encourage you to deposit the "author final" version of your work via the RIS. This is the final, post-refereeing version, as provided to publishers prior to publication. Where available, the Research Repository contains links to an article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ensuring that the published version is clearly identified to users of the repository.

Get in touch
Jim Jamieson Open Research Governance Manager
Albert Sloman Library
Telephone: 01206 874417