Due diligence provides a way to mitigate potential risks (financial and reputational), share good practice and have assurance that all partners have the capacity and expertise to undertake the planned activities. For research, the risk approach falls broadly into three areas: Governance and Control, Ability to Deliver and Financial Stability (UKRI Guidelines)
Governance and Control |
Ability to Deliver |
Financial Stability |
Governance | Past Performance | Financial Viability |
Fraud, bribery, corruption, money laundering and slavery. |
Staff capacity and capability (number, track record) |
Financial Management, e.g. experience of finance team and segregation of duties |
Internal controls | Infrastructure and programme management for research | Strength of audit, internal and external |
Risk Management | Monitoring and management | Value for money |
Ethics | Training | Policies, procedures and systems – incl. IT systems |
Assurance Processes | Equality and Diversity | Separate bank account |
Research Governance | Data Management | Income from other sources – diversity of income streams |
Scientific Misconduct | Openness and Publications transparency |
We ensure an appropriate and proportionate approach. The process steps for diligence checks are detailed within the REO Due Diligence Policy and Process document (.pdf)
We follow the UKRI's current guidance on due diligence checks.