When you first join the University, a period of additional support is given in order to ensure the best possible start.The form that this period takes depends on the type of role, and in some cases the type of contract.

For Professional Services employees, and Academic and Research employees on fixed-term contracts, this period of time is called Probation. Academic and Research employees employed on permanent contracts are required to undertake Pathway to Permanency, which is a structured, longer-term process, and they will not have a separate probation process. Please see the Academic Permanency and Promotion page for more detail on this process.   

Any problems should be highlighted and addressed at an early stage so that support can be given. You must take ownership of your own development; and so this is a two-way process.  

Probation period length

  • Permanent professional employees: 12 months for grade 7-11, 6 months for grade 1-6.
  • Fixed-term professional employees: half the duration of the contract with a maximum of 6 months. One month for 3-6 month contracts. No probation for one month contracts.
  • Permanent academic and research staff at or below grade 9 and some grade 10: three year Pathway to Permanency.
  • Fixed-term academic and research staff: three months for a 12 month contract or six months for a contract greater than 12 months.
  • Professors, readers, senior lecturers and senior research fellows: not subject to a probation period unless otherwise stated.

Professional Services employee probation guidance

Academic Employee Fixed Term Contract probation guidance

Targets for this type of Academic Probation are agreed locally within Academic Departments, and completion of the probation period is similarly managed locally. One area of target setting that will apply to all staff members is the requirement to complete Essential Training. A further requirement that may apply is the need for employees on an Academic contract primarily with Education responsibilities (ASE) of 12 months’ duration or greater to achieve Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy by the 12-month point. This may be done via the University’s CADENZA scheme.  

Additional information for managers

  • Probation Guidance for Managers (.pdf)
  • Make sure you are aware of the Probation Policy and what is required in terms of documentation at different points.
  • Support and guide the probationer through the process.
  • Arrange for the probationer to complete a comprehensive induction on joining the University.
  • Review all of the relevant paperwork which needs to be completed for a successful probation – this is particularly important for those on an academic probation.
  • Regularly review how the probationer is progressing.
  • Formally review at mid-point and towards the end of the probation period progress against targets.
  • Flag to People and Culture as early as possible if there are any concerns.
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