Important payroll and pensions information is included in your new starters' pack, which all new University and University of Essex Campus Services (UECS) employees receive. It is essential that you read through the information carefully and complete the forms, returning them to Payroll and Pensions (in People and Culture) as soon as possible. This will ensure your salary is paid efficiently and accurately.
Right to work documentation must be seen at least the day before your first day at work.
Set-up your Staff IT account by completing the online form.
Pick up your staff Campus Card.
Make yourself aware of departmental and University fire, first aid and health and safety procedures - your line manager should provide information on this for you.
If you are based at our Colchester Campus and drive to work, you will need to register your car and apply for a parking permit.
To encourage environmental responsibility, we have schemes and incentives to help our staff and students walk, cycle and use public transport more.
There are also a range of induction activities that all new employees are expected to do as part of your induction at Essex.