PCG is a sub-group of the University's Steering Group (USG) and is chaired by the Deputy Registrar (Infrastructure and Environments) Chris Oldham, with membership comprising senior managers from Professional Services and academic departments.
PCG's role includes overseeing the prioritisation, development and implementation of the Strategic Projects Portfolio (SPP) of projects, in order to support delivery of our Strategic Plan.
The group meets seven times a year. Find out more about PCG's responsibilities.
The Project Coordination Group (PCG) has three sub groups:
If you would like to add an item to the agenda of any of these committee meetings, please contact the Project Governance Office by emailing pgo@essex.ac.uk.
The Delivery Assurance Group (Estates) is responsible for monitoring projects which relate to the maintenance, enhancement and development of a wide range of capital (estates only) projects that directly support the delivery of excellence in education, staff research and the student experience. The group will normally meet seven times during the academic year. A more detailed list of responsibilities are outlined in the DAG's Terms of Reference.
The Delivery Assurance Group (Systems) is responsible for monitoring projects which relate to the maintenance, enhancement and development of corporate business systems; information systems and information technology; and strategically important projects that directly support the delivery of excellence in education and research. The group will normally meet seven times during the academic year. A more detailed list of responsibilities are outlined in the DAG's Terms of Reference.
The Digital Projects Alignment Group (DPAG) is responsible for ensuring that digital projects are in alignment with University strategies, our systems, architectures and ways of working. It will also assist PCG in prioritising incoming digital work from across the University and ensure that projects are adequately resourced. The group will normally meet eight times during the academic year. A more detailed list of responsibilities are outlined in the DPAG's Terms of Reference. Contact us Email pgo@essex.ac.uk if you have any queries about the sub-groups.