Responsibility matrix

The responsibility matrix or RACI, is used to assign who in the organisation is responsible for each task. RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable/Approver, Consult, Inform.

As the Project  Manager you are accountable for the overall delivery of the project, this does not however mean that you are solely responsible for every part of the work involved. By forming a responsibilities matrix alongside your work breakdown structure, responsibilities can be assigned to lower level tasks. Without clearly defined roles it is easy for a project to run into trouble, a project matrix ensures that everyone knows what they are responsible for delivering.

Alternative methodologies

RACI is the most commonly used method however RASCI, the addition S standing for Support and RACI-VS, the additional V and S standing for Verifier and Signatory, can also be used to the same effect.

Creating a RACI matrix

  1. Identify all of the tasks involved in the delivering of the project and list them on the left-hand side of the chart in completion order.
  2. Identify all the project roles and list them along the top of the chart.
  3. Complete the cells of the chart identifying who has the responsibility, the accountability and who will be consulted and informed for each task.
  4. Ensure every task has a role responsible and a role accountable for.
  5. No task should have more than one role accountable. Resolve any conflicts where there is more than one for a particular task.
  6. Share, discuss and agree on the RACI matrix with your stakeholders before you start your project.


Step  Project initiation Sponsor Project manager Business analyst Project committee Stakeholder
Task 1  C A/R C I I
Task 2  I R C I
Task 3  A I R C I
Task 4  C A I R I


When to use a responsibility matrix

Process mapping

A responsibility matrix is a good way to add additional information to a process mapping exercise. By using RACI method you can identify the different levels of responsibility for each step in the process flow.

Process re-engineering

By starting with a responsibility matrix of the “as-is” process you will be provided with a great deal of information that will assist you when you are re-engineering the process. A responsibility matrix can help identify bottlenecks that can be avoided when redesigning the process.


Organisational analysis

Like process mapping creating a responsibility matrix while analysing an organisational structure can help you as the project manager, who may not be intimately familiar with the organisational set up, an idea of who has responsibility for what.


Solution definition and analysis

A responsibility matrix should be created for any new IT system or applications that are used as part of a project.

The matrix should show who “owns” this application (A), who is responsible for it (R), who owns the system that the new application depends on (C) or who depends on the new application (C), and who has an interest in knowing about changes to the application or its status (I).


The “as-is” responsibility matrix for a current process/system can be a useful tool for people who are new to the project to gain an understanding of the responsibilities associated with their role.

When combining the “as-is” matrix with the “to-be” matrix it is an especially useful training method to highlight the changes between the two process/systems.


  • A responsibility matrix is a valuable tool for stakeholder management as it ensures that stakeholders are aware and engaged with each task.
  • Helps to ensure that in the case that someone else becomes involved in the project mid-way through they can clearly see what they are responsible for.



  • The process of getting an agreed upon responsibility matrix can have its difficulties if people have different ideas about what their responsibilities should be. Ensure that your team and your stakeholders have the same set of outcomes in mind before beginning this process.


The table below details the responsible, accountable, consulted and informed (RACI) individuals for management of dependencies:

Task  Project team  Project Manager  Programme Manager  Dependency owner  Programme board 
Dependency identification  A C C C
Dependency assessment R A I C I
Dependency registration R A      
Confirming / accepting dependencies   C   A  
Dependency reviews   A A   C
Production of dependency maps R A   C  
Assessing project change control dependency impacts R A      
Programme dependency management   C A   I


Responsible – person(s) who undertake the work.

Accountable – person(s) ultimately accountable for the completion of the task.

Consulted – person(s) whose opinions are sought and support those responsible for completing the task.

Informed – person (s) who are kept up to date.

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