National Student Survey NSS

The National Student Survey takes place annually at most higher education providers across the UK. The survey gives current students an opportunity to give their opinions on their institution and course. The results are used widely; by prospective students to make choices about where to study, in determining positions in league tables, and now in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF).

Taking part in the NSS

As a general rule, most final year undergraduate students are eligible to complete the NSS.

The focus for co-ordination of this year’s NSS will be to:

  • work closely with departments and facilities to develop tools and templates to support academic colleagues in getting students to complete the NSS
  • work closely with Students’ Union and C&ER on a collaborative student-focused communications campaign
  • work with University and SU stakeholders to develop a focused launch of the NSS, encouraging early participation by eligible students

Key contacts for NSS

The key point of contact is:

Rachel Harle, Student Voice Manager

The Student Engagement Team is part of Student Life within the Academic Section, headed by Rachel Lucas, Director of Student Life.

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