Through our partnership with Kaplan Higher Education Institute and Kaplan Higher Education Academy in Singapore (referred to as Kaplan Singapore), we offer a number of University of Essex courses in Singapore.

The partnership between Kaplan and Essex commenced in 2014 with a franchise arrangement involving Essex Business School. Today, Kaplan Singapore offer various full-time and part-time programmes in partnership with Essex Business School, the School of Sports, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences and, soon, the Department of Psychology at our University.

Our partner

Established in 1989, Kaplan Higher Education in Singapore is a provider of management education and high-quality lifelong learning programmes and services. Through collaboration and partnership with prestigious European, Australian and American universities, Kaplan Higher Education offers career-oriented programmes designed to provide students with the skills necessary to qualify them for employment in the fields of business and management, science and engineering, communication and media, information technology, and humanities and social sciences.

As one of the world's largest education companies and one of the oldest educational providers in Singapore, Kaplan Singapore has established itself as one of the most respected private education institutions in Southeast Asia. It provides top-rated diplomas, undergraduate and post graduate degrees, professional qualifications and English-language programmes to students from almost 20 countries. The Wilke Edge Campus is the base for University of Essex programmes and is located in the centre of the city.


Courses are modelled on the courses offered at our campuses in the UK. Under the regulatory framework set down by the Singapore Ministry of Education and the Committee for Private Education (CPE), courses offered by private education institutions have to be equivalent to the courses offered at home campuses, with some flexibility permitted for local customisation. We work closely with Kaplan Singapore to ensure that courses are contextualised to meet the needs of students in Singapore and to meet regulatory requirements.

Students join their courses from the second stage (year two), having completed an award which is approved as being equivalent to the first year. Courses start in June and December.

Course structures

These courses are offered to students studying in Singapore. There may be modules which aren't available at all campuses. Where that's the case, an alternative module (from the list of optional modules on the course or from other Essex Business School courses) has been included, with no impact on the overall aims and outcomes of the programme.

Essex Business School

  • BSc Accounting and Finance
  • BSc Banking and Finance
  • BSc Management and Marketing

School of Sports, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences

  • BSc Sports and Exercise Sciences
  • BSc Sports Performance and Coaching

Department of Psychology 

  • BSc Psychology

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (coming soon)

  • BSc Computer Games
  • BSc Computer Science

Information on our courses can be found in our programme specifications catalogue and module directory. Please note that course structures and module information on our webpages may include changes which are due to be introduced for future academic years which may not yet apply in Singapore.

Study with us

If you are interested in taking any of our courses offered through our partnership with Kaplan Higher Education Institute and Kaplan Higher Education Academy in Singapore, please contact the team atKaplan in Singapore for more information.

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