Buying work equipment

When you purchase work equipment you are responsible for ensuring it complies with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. Before purchasing work equipment you need to:

  • Ensure its initial integrity and conformity with UK and/or European safety requirements
  • Consider where and how it will be used and any risks from its installation, commissioning, use or maintenance (including exposure to electricity, noise, vibration, radiation, hazardous dusts and emissions and poor ergonomic working conditions).

Prior to purchase, please take time to read HSE guidance on buying work equipment or seek advice from your Health and Safety Liaison Officer (HSLO) or Health and Safety (H&S). Also ensure you follow your departmental procedures for the approval of new or second-hand equipment purchases.

Buying online or from overseas

If you purchase equipment online from an organisation that is not known to you, it may be more difficult to resolve problems with goods sourced this way. This is particularly the case for products purchased from overseas sites or via online auction sites.

If you purchase items from overseas you may not be protected by UK product safety legislation or it may not meet standards expected in the workplace. Items aimed at the general public may also not meet the same safety standards as are expected by law in the workplace. There are also a number of non-safety related concerns which should be considered, so advice should be sought from Procurement prior to purchase.

UKCA and CE marking and Certificate of Conformity for products

With continued recognition of current EU requirements, including CE marking businesses have the flexibility to use either the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) or CE marking to sell products in Great Britain (GB). Thus, in the following paragraphs reference to CE can be taken to refer both to the UKCA and CE marking requirements.

Most work equipment must conform to essential requirements for safety applicable through European and UK product supply law. Such equipment will have a UKCA or CE mark on the product or its packaging and the supplier should provide a Declaration of Conformity to their buyers. Ask the seller for the declaration and keep this safe, it may need to be referred to if the work equipment is not fit for purpose or becomes faulty.

Some work equipment that is not powered or used to lift (e.g. hand tools, racking and ladders) do not currently come within the scope of any Product Safety Directive and so must not be CE marked.

Please note: the CE mark is not a guarantee of safety, only that its design meets European product safety law requirements. CE marks may also be incorrectly applied. Experience has shown that a number of new items that are CE marked have failed portable electrical appliance tests (PAT). In this case, or if the equipment is incorrectly labelled, the product may be counterfeit (see below). If you have any doubts about the safety of a CE marked product, contact your HSLO or H&S. If necessary, H&S will refer the item to the HSE or Trading Standards for investigation.

Importing work equipment from a non-EU Country, building or modifying work equipment

UKCA and/or CE marking is the responsibility of the person who places the product on the market, or puts it into service, for the first time. In law this duty rests with the Responsible Person, which in most cases is the manufacturer or their representative. It can also include anyone who imports non-CE marked products into Europe, those who makes a product for their own use, and those who modify existing products already in use to such an extent they must be considered "new" products.

So, if the University imports directly from a non-EU country, the University would be the Responsible Person and so must check that it meets UK and EU requirements for conformity, UKCA mark the equipment and provide the Declaration of Conformity. The equipment can be UKCA and/or CE marked by the supplier, but the University would be responsible for ensuring they did it properly. This applies even if the equipment is for the University’s own use.

If you import, build or modify work equipment you must seek competent advice on UKCA/CE marking. Please read the HSE guidance on the law on CE Marking and product safety as well as the latest Government guidance on Technical Documentation for more information.

Electrical safety

Brand new electrical equipment should not require Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) on purchase if purchased from a reputable UK supplier, but will need to go onto your PAT inventory. If equipment is second-hand (e.g. purchased through an auction site) or is purchased directly from a supplier outside the UK (e.g. through an online site) it should undergo Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) before being put into use (in accordance with the University's PAT Policy). If you do not have competent staff within the department, PAT can be arranged through the Estate Management Section (there may be a charge for this service).

Check whether the electrical equipment is 220-230v or 110v. If it is 110v it may not be suitable for use in the UK, or may require a transformer to prevent it being damaged when connected to the UK mains supply.

Second-hand equipment

Second-hand equipment can be particularly problematic. Suppliers of second-hand equipment for use at work must supply it in a safe condition. They should also provide the original instruction manual, or a copy of it. However experience has shown that it is difficult to guarantee safety and the associated paperwork is rarely correct or complete. If you buy a second-hand product from an auction site you will have little comeback if it is subsequently found to be unsafe, particularly if it came from a country outside the European community.

Electrical equipment should be provided with a record that it has passed a recent PAT. Certain equipment (such as complex dangerous plant, pressure vessels or lifting equipment and accessories) requires periodic inspection and thorough examination. Copies of the last record of inspection/thorough examination should also be provided. Laboratory equipment (e.g. vacuum pumps) will require a decontamination certificate and medical devices must come with records of their full service history, including all statutory and manufacturers checks and calibrations as appropriate, plus the details of any faults and repairs. You must confirm these are available before completing a purchase.

Never accept waivers that relieve the seller of liability for the safety of the product being sold.

Ongoing cleaning, inspection, maintenance and repair

You are required by law to maintain work equipment in a safe condition. This includes checking:

  • What the life expectancy of the equipment and its associated parts is
  • Any ongoing cleaning, inspection, and maintenance requirements, including
    • how maintenance will be arranged
    • who will do the maintenance and if they are appropriately trained
    • if there are parts requiring regular replacement
    • how replacement parts will be obtained
    • costs are associated with this

You will also need to ensure that maintenance can be carried out safely and cover it in your risk assessment.

Hazardous and dangerous substances

Hazardous substances

Safety data sheets provide information on chemical products that help users of those chemicals to make a risk assessment. They describe the hazards the chemical presents, and give information on handling, storage and emergency measures in case of an accident. If a substance is dangerous for supply, the supplier must send you a safety data sheet when the product is first ordered, if the formulation changes, or if you ask for a safety data sheet. If it is not dangerous for supply the supplier should include instructions for safe use with the package. If a supplier refuses to provide safety information, please inform H&S who will advise the HSE.

Check that the packaging of the substance is labelled with the appropriate hazard warning symbols in line with the hazards identified on the safety data sheet. Find out more about working with hazardous substances and HSEs guidance on the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH).

Dangerous substances

Some substances are extremely dangerous and may also be prohibited from importation by UK Authorities, such as asbestos containing materials. There may also be restrictions on the holding of certain substances for security reasons. Never purchase any item which presents a high risk to health or safety unless prior written authorisation has been obtained from Health and Safety and the Head of Department.

Never open or accept any substances with packaging or containers which are not appropriately marked, or which show signs of damage. If a substance is purchased and turns out to be unsuitable or unsafe considerable costs may be incurred disposing of it as hazardous waste. For the reasons above, some departments (e.g. School of Life Sciences) will not accept shipments of hazardous substances brought outside their normal purchasing system. Find out more about working with dangerous and explosive substances and HSE's guidance on the dangerous substances.

Laser products

It is possible to purchase a range of high-powered laser pointers through the internet which can be extremely hazardous. Products containing laser pointers (e.g. some measuring devices) must be purchased from reputable suppliers. They should be low powered (1mW) and marked Class 1 or 2, under the current British Standard for lasers. If you are planning to purchase a product containing a laser with a class rating greater than 2 you must first consult a Non-Ionising Radiation Protection Adviser.

All laser products should include the laser hazard label and its classification under the BS EN 60825-1. Second-hand lasers (and some new) may have the old classification. Find out more about laser and laser pointer safety.

Radiation sources

We have permits for the holding and use of sources of radiation which must be strictly adhered to. For this reason, you must not purchase radioactive substances or equipment containing or generating radiation sources without first obtaining the approval of your Departmental Ionising Radiation Protection Supervisor (DIRPS) or the University Ionising Radiation Protection Officer (UIRPO). Find out more about the rules for use of ionising radiation.

Biological agents

Prior approval for the purchase of biological agents must be obtained from the Departmental Biological Safety Officer (DBSO) and University Biological Safety Adviser (UBSA), as per the Biological Safety Policy.

Biological agents are classified into four hazard groups (HG) according to their risk to humans. There are also categories of containment level (CL) required to control risk when handling biological agents. Working with HG2 biological agents requires a minimum of CL2, HG3 agents being handled at a minimum of CL3 and HG4 at CL4.

Biological agents classified as HG3 or HG4 must not be purchased or brought onto the premises as the University does not have laboratories of a sufficient containment level to handle them.

Counterfeit goods

Some items that appear to be UKCA and/or CE marked can turn out to be counterfeit. When you receive the goods, check the packaging, CE marking and other certifications and associated paperwork carefully. Is the quality and labelling what you expect? If you have any doubts seek further advice from your HSLO or H&S.

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Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Telephone: 01206 872944