Our University logo

Our ‘one University’ approach was agreed by USG in December 2009. This means that we present a single over-arching brand and in general, use of sub-brands and associated logos is not allowed. This is so that nothing eclipses the University of Essex ‘parent brand’ and we can maximise and leverage our brand equity.

Faculties, schools, departments, services, centres or institutes should always be clearly identified as being part of the University of Essex and so do not have their own logos.

In any promotional materials, names are always shown in plain, stylised text.

Using the University of Essex logo

Our logo requires size limits and safe areas and should only be used in black or white. This is to keep it as clear as possible and prevent it from being poorly reproduced, unrecognisable, illegible or obscured.

Please note, if your content is being posted on University digital platforms, such as our social channels – using our logo will be unnecessary as it will already feature in the profile icon.

To ensure you are using the University logo correctly, here are some key things to remember (permission to use our logo outside of these parameters must be obtained from the Brand team).

Size, position, and clear space     

  • Ensure our logo is sized correctly with all proportions remaining the same.
  • The recommended size of the logo is: 20mm high for A4 and 15mm high for A5.
  • The recommended minimum height is 10mm on printed items and 50px on digital content. It should always be this height or larger for readability. [1]
  • The logo should be positioned either in the top left corner (to introduce) or bottom right corner (to sign off), with the exception of video end frames where the logo should be positioned centrally. [2]
  • To protect the logo's integrity, an exclusion zone around the logo is calculated using the size of one of its squares away from both any border and any content it butts against. [3]
    This clear space insulates our logo from distracting visual elements, such as other logos, copy, illustrations or photography.

3 images showing  the different sizes and positions of the University of Essex logo as set out in our brand guidelines.

Logo placement in video

In the vast majority of cases our logo will only appear at the end of the video.
However, in some very select cases it may be considered beneficial to display the logo throughout, as a corner ident. For example, in a digital advert on non-University owned channels, we need to ensure the viewer immediately knows the video is from the University of Essex for the duration of the advert.

Applying our logo in videos

We have templates for applying our logo to the end frame so please speak to our videographers or media centre.

  • Our logo animation should be used to end video content. The stacked version is preferable but linear can also be used. [1]
  • The logo should be 25% of the height of 16:9 videos. [1]
  • Do not attempt to edit or recreate the logo animation end frame.
  • A static version of our logo can be applied to the top left-hand corner of videos if they are not being posted on a University owned channel. [2]
  • We have a separate video end frame template for using the logo animation with a call to action. The stacked version is preferable but linear can also be used. [3]
    The call to action could be a short URL, or a maximum of two lines of text, for example “Search Student life at Essex”. For URLs you don’t need to include “https://” or www.

Examples of logo placement in videos

Third-party marketing materials and suppliers

We generally do not approve the use of our logo in third-party marketing materials or endorse our suppliers’ services.

If the University of Essex logo is used in an uncontrolled manner, we risk suggesting endorsement or ‘seal of approval’ where the connection to Essex may be minimal.


Use of logo alongside other logos

When any additional logos are used, they must not exceed the size of the University logo or overshadow it visually, so the University logo is the main focus.

If working with partners, see Partnerships and co-branding section below.

Getting approved logo files

If you are creating promotional material, this should be done by our design and print supplier CDS who hold all our logo files. Alternatively, our branded templates already include our logo.

Sending to third-parties

If you need the logo to send to a third party/institution you are collaborating with, we can issue the logo (along with associated guidelines for use) direct to that institution. Please contact the Brand team, by emailing branding@essex.ac.uk.

Our logo lock-up

We recognise that in some cases, it may be appropriate for a particular unit to be more identifiable within the University structure. 

Logo lock-ups are an exception, not the rule.

As specific context and approval is required, contact the Brand team branding@essex.ac.uk before commissioning any work on a logo lock-up.

If you are suggesting the University logo alone is not enough, an assessment will be made about whether any advantages of having your own logo lock-up can compare favourably to the disadvantages of loss of identity when the link with the University is less clear.

Logo lock-ups will not be approved when:

  • Essex leads the commercial offer, largely academic
  • entity is fully or majority funded by Essex
  • entity is core business for Essex eg teaching or research
  • audience expects and values Essex input more than the entity or Essex adds value, more value than the entity

Can I have my own logo?

Having your own logo will never be as recognisable as the University of Essex logo. In fact, a new logo can often be confusing - diluting the connection to the University - and will take time to become established and trusted by an audience.

If you'd like to discuss a project you believe requires a logo please contact the Brand team, by emailing branding@essex.ac.uk

Partnerships and co-branding

Essex works with many partners and organisations in a number of ways. From research projects and collaborations, to events and campaigns. It is in the interests of all parties to be represented properly and for the relationship to be clear in the minds of our audiences.

Working with partners

When working with partners, the way we use our combined branding depends on the weight of balance in the relationship.

A partner should only use University branding if a formal partnership agreement, sponsorship agreement, Memorandum of Understanding or equivalent formal agreement exists.

Equally, our logo should not be added to a third party/external organisation’s content as an endorsement/labelling device unless the content itself is distinctively Essex and the provider can identify this aspect to us clearly.

In keeping with our ‘one University’ approach we do not typically give prominence to other brand logos in our marketing communication materials and assets. You can add the web address of any third party organisation instead in your communication as a practical solution.

We make exceptions only when use of that logo provides a recognised shorthand – ideally globally – in our communications. The list of approved logos for third parties within this context is:

  • QAP (Queen’s Anniversary Prize)
  • TEF Gold
  • Times Higher University of the Year
  • YUFE
  • Public Health England
  • NHS
  • University of Sanctuary
  • AMBA
  • THE
  • QS
  • SU
  • UN Global Compact
  • Graduate Outcomes
  • V16

In addition, use of the key social media logos is permitted based on this principle, eg:

  • Facebook
  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat

These logos must not exceed the size of the University of Essex logo or overshadow it visually, so the University of Essex logo is the main focus.

Partnership agreements

When working with partners the partnership agreement will determine the way that we brand any materials. The agreement will determine whether Essex is a lead partner, equal partner, or if it is a multi-partner project. If you are unclear on your partnership project and require advice on how your materials should be designed, please contact branding@essex.ac.uk

Essex as lead partner

Essex is considered the lead partner on a project when the resources and funding are primarily provided by the University.

  • The Essex brand and style should prevail.
  • Partner logo(s) should appear at the bottom, arranged on a horizontal axis.
  • Partner logos should have equal prominence.

Example of Essex logo as lead partner used on promotional materials

Equal partnerships

For joint communications acknowledging equal partnerships, we should seek to maximise our presence by proposing CDS design any artwork, utilising our key brand elements.

  • Both Essex and partner logo(s) should be used with equal prominence, size and spacing, with Essex taking the primary position.
  • Ensure logos are clearly visible against the background.

In some cases, it may not be acceptable to have Essex as the lead identity and an independent identity may need to be developed. Our in-house Brand team can help with this. Please contact branding@essex.ac.uk for guidance in the first instance. Do not commission or design any logos without contacting the Brand team first.

Example of Essex logo as equal partner used on promotional materials

Multi-partner projects

If the project is a partnership between Essex and other Universities, then depending on the weighting of contribution, it may not be appropriate to use the Essex identity.

In this situation an independent identity may be developed, with recognition given to all institutions involved in the project.

Example of Essex logo as multi partner used on promotional materials


Research projects

Research is at the heart of our University and is central to our mission. Our research shapes thinking and influences policy. It helps build our reputation as one of the leading research-intensive universities in the UK.

Many research projects at Essex are in partnership with other organisations. When this happens, the other organisations need to be represented on any materials or communications.

Recognising external funders

When research projects benefit from external funding, the funder’s contribution should be recognised through the use of their logo on project materials. On occasion, the funder may request that a name and/or brand is developed for the project. 

Promoting your research project

The Communications Team is on hand to help you promote your research. Please contact comms@essex.ac.uk for further advice.

To discuss the funder’s requirement with regard to branding any promotional materials, or how to display the logos of the partners involved, please contact the Brand team branding@essex.ac.uk.

Research poster templates for conferences

If you require a research poster for a conference, we have a selection of University branded templates available for use.

Endorsement/sponsorship/accreditation of third parties

Where Essex has endorsed/sponsored/or given accreditation to another organisation, endorsement wording can be used to clearly define the relationship between Essex and our partners.

Choice of wording should be agreed on a case-by-case basis.

Examples of acceptable descriptions include:

  • in partnership with
  • in association with
  • sponsored by/Proud Sponsor of
  • an initiative with
  • in collaboration with

Examples of endorsed third-party logos


Expiry date for logo usage

To ensure no misrepresentation in our communications, it is important to note expiry dates for any high level promotion of accolades.

After these expiry dates, we will remove logos from high-level promotional assets such as our letterheads, email signatures, and lamp post banners, so it no longer features as lead messaging. 

Expired accolades will, however, continue to be referenced as historical information in our 'key facts and figures' alongside other notable achievements.

Special events, initiatives and anniversaries

From time to time, we do create a badge to mark special occasions such as core institutional campaigns and anniversaries. They are only used for a short-term duration to promote and identify that particular event or initiative.

Please contact the brand team branding@essex.ac.uk before commissioning any work on a special badge for an event, initiative or anniversary.

Our coat of arms

Our coat of arms is only used for ceremonial occasions and items (e.g. Graduation).

It's not permitted to be used on anything else (e.g. it cannot be used on merchandise for student societies or on students' dissertations or theses. 

Example of our logo being used alongside our coat of arms on a large outdoor poster.

Arrow symbol
Contact us
Brand management team Contact us for advice and guidance on expressing our University identity.