Our multifunction devices can print, scan and photocopy. You can find multifunction printers in most shared staff spaces and main corridors.
How to connect to Essex Printing
To print from a mobile device, attach your documents to an email and send it to mobileprinting@essex.ac.uk. You must send the email from your Essex email address.
Your document will be converted to a PDF and held in a secure queue for 48 hours. You can print and collect your documents from any multifunction printer on campus.
Please contact your Print Champion if you have a problem with a multifunction printer.
If you don't know who your Print Champion is, or if they're unavailable, please contact the IT Helpdesk quoting the asset number on the multifunction printer (found on the silver sticker on the front of the machine) and a description of the problem.
We actively monitor and refill devices in corridors, shared areas and student areas.
If you find that your device has run out of paper or toner then you can request more at no charge.
Quote the MPCS number found on the front of the device and contact or email:
Your order will be delivered on the same day or next working day and be dropped off at the agreed location.