Research partnerships with industry funded by Research Councils

An industry research partnership brings together the strengths of both academia and the private, public and third sectors to collaborate on innovative research that drives real-world impact.

Universities excel at fundamental, blue-sky research, while industry is focused on applied research with a strong emphasis on turning discoveries into practical applications quickly. By joining forces, both sectors can benefit from shared knowledge, expertise, and resources.

In these partnerships, companies often face research and development challenges that are too complex or capital-intensive to address internally. They may lack the necessary staff or infrastructure to solve these problems on their own. As a result, they turn to academic experts, who bring specialised knowledge and the ability to explore new areas of inquiry. These collaborations typically involve funding from the business and are supplemented by grants from research councils.

Why partner with industry?

Collaborating with industry offers a range of benefits for your academic research:

  1. Develop real-world Solutions - Industry partnerships allow you to apply your research to real-world challenges, turning your academic work into tangible, impactful solutions.
  2. Secure additional research funding - Collaborating with industry can open doors to valuable research funding, especially in times when public grants are highly competitive.
  3. Access unique resources and data - Many businesses have specialised equipment, facilities, and proprietary data that can enrich your research, providing resources you may not have access to within your academic department.
  4. Scale your research efforts - Industry partnerships can enable you to expand your research by funding additional postdocs, PhD students, or even providing extra infrastructure and lab equipment.
  5. Enhance your reputation - Successful collaborations with industry not only demonstrate your ability to solve complex problems but also elevate your profile within the academic and professional communities.
  6. Showcase your impact - Industry collaborations can serve as strong impact case studies for research evaluations, such as REF and KEF, highlighting the tangible benefits of your work.
  7. Unlock future opportunities - Building a trusted relationship with an industry partner often leads to further collaboration opportunities, as they’ll look to you first for new projects. 

Getting started

If you would like to get involved in a research partnership with industry, contact the Business Engagement Team to discuss your interests and expertise.