Induction events for new staff

The Welcome to Essex Moodle site contains everything we feel you need to know during your first year of working at the University. Here is a list of the induction events to get you started. You will find further information on HR Organiser.

Education and research staff induction

The induction event for all new education and research staff takes place twice a year at our Colchester Campus. All new education and research staff are expected to attend this event.

This event provides all new education and research staff with an opportunity to engage with many interesting activities, including an introduction and welcome from the Vice-Chancellor and presentations from the Pro-Vice-Chancellors for Education and Research, the Students’ Union and Human Resources. There will also be an induction fair giving you the opportunity to find out about many of the services available around the University. 

Graduate teaching assistants

This two-day conference for graduate teaching assistants takes place twice a year, in September and January.  It is held at our Colchester Campus and provides a chance for participants to attend a range of learning and teaching related sessions, hear about the experiences of fellow graduate teachers, and find out about the support services available to students on campus.

Graduate lab assistants

The graduate lab assistant induction event takes place twice a year in September and January. This half-day conference is designed for graduate lab assistants to meet fellow lab assistants, learn more about teaching in labs and workshops, and hear about the experiences of colleagues.

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