Project assessment matrix

For all projects there needs to be an initial assessment to determine whether the project should be subject to approval and oversight by the University’s Project Coordination Group (PCG). 


The assessment should be carried out using the following criteria and scoring system by selecting 1, 2 or 3 for each factor:


  1. Will deliver one or more of the following to support the achievement of the University’s strategic objectives:
    • improved processes
    • improved service delivery
  2. Will significantly improve the following to support the achievement of the University’s strategic objectives:
    • processes
    • service delivery
  3. Will have a direct, measurable and very significant impact on the achievement of University strategic objectives.


  1. Will improve processes and/or service delivery within the department/service.
  2. Will improve processes and / or service delivery within the Division.*
  3. Will improve processes and / or service delivery across the University.


  1. Will involve staff within a single department/service.
  2. Will involve staff across departments/services, but within a single Division.
  3. Will involve staff across University divisions, and / or require the involvement of staff from outside the University.

Other resources

  1. Requires allocation of resources already within departmental budget.
  2. Requires additional resource from head of division, but within existing Divisional budget.
  3. Requires additional resource to be allocated above agreed Divisional budget.

Level of approval and oversight required

The level of approval and oversight required for:

  • approval of mandate
  • approval of business case
  • responsibility implementation and oversight

will depend on the scores allocated.

  • For scores up to six, this will be the Head of Division.
  • For scores of seven and above, or any score containing one factor rated at three, this will be PCG.

* The term Division is used as a generic term to refer to the four main operating units of the University, ie the three faculties and Professional Services. Consequently Heads of Division are the Executive Deans, and the Registrar and Secretary.

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