Project governance

Project governance is the management of the framework in which project decisions are made.

With a wide range of complex, high value, innovative and transformational projects underway across Essex, there is even greater reliance on the framework to lay the foundation for robust governance structures.

Governance Office

The Governance Office ensures that the decision making framework is logical, robust, repeatable and most importantly, adhered to so that decision makers get the right information, presented in the right way and at the right time to make effective decisions.

Project documentation

When projects are in development, a range of different forms need to be completed for approval, depending on the stage of the project.   

Access the project template forms, including:

  • Business Case
  • Client Brief
  • Closure Report
  • Project Mandate
  • Project Privacy Checklist

If you need further guidance or support please contact who can help.

Committees and sub-groups

There are two main project committees Project Coordination Group (PCG), and Capital Planning Group (CPG), along with a number of sub-groups who provide the project governance here at the University.

The relationship between the various project governance committees and who they report too is explained in our committee structure chart (.pdf). This project governance operates as part of the project management framework.

Committee meeting calendar

The meeting calendar provides you with the meeting dates and paper submission deadlines for all project committee meetings, allowing you to plan ahead and incorporate all of the necessary dates in to your project plan.

Further information on when and why you should report on your project can be found in the project reporting toolkit

Additional committee information

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Strategic Projects Office