The information provided on this page covers the framework for the approval, monitoring and review procedures for UK and international academic partnerships. It doesn't apply to our partnership with the University of Suffolk, which is subject to separate procedures.
Information is provided here about the processes to be used, along with relevant forms. Details of the professional development activities available for members of staff from our Academic Partner Institutions is also provided.
The new course validation process allows for a new or significantly revised course to be approved.
A partner institution may submit a proposal to run an existing validation course at a different site of delivery. The consideration of the validation is whether the new site of delivery has the required resources and services to successfully deliver the course.
The purpose of validation events is to evaluate the academic content, quality and fitness for purpose of the proposed course(s).
course-variation form (January 2024)Small changes, for example, changes to reading lists and references, do not normally require approval from the University. However, a more significant change will need the consent of the Dean of Partnerships.
Variations to the Rules of Assessment are exceptional and must normally either be associated with meeting programme level outcomes or professional, statutory or regulatory body requirements, or requirements for progressing to a period of study abroad.
The Annual Review of Courses (ARC) brings together in one place a concise summary of all developmental activity undertaken and planned by a department in relation to a course/group of courses.
Partner institutions with larger scale provision should also complete an Institutional Annual Review, which summarises the key points and themes arising from the Annual Review of Courses. Please seek advice from the Partnerships Team about the requirements for your institution.
Departmental deadline | Discussed and approved at FEC | AQSC Deadline | |
UG | 9 December 2024 | 19 February 2025 | Deadline for papers 19 February 2025, meeting date 5 March 2025 |
PG | 17 March 2025 | 7 May 2025 | Deadline for papers 7 May 2025, meeting date 21 May 2025 |
Periodic review is the formal process by which a course or group of related courses is evaluated and the University assured of the continuing quality of provision at the Partner Institution. The process normally takes place every five years and is the basis for re-approval of the courses with effect from the following academic year.
Institutional review is the process by which partner institutions are reviewed at institutional level, usually every five years, to ensure they remain suitable for the conduct of Higher Education (HE) programmes leading to an award of the University of Essex.
The course team should complete this form where a temporary modification to a course is needed to meet the needs of an individual student or a small group of students.
Students at partner institutions who wish to appeal a decision made by the Board of Examiners should read the relevant online guidance about the University’s Appeals Procedures, which provides further information regarding the procedures for submitting a formal appeal.
Information about our external examiner process is provided by Quality and Academic Development This includes details about the process for appointing external examiners, their role and responsibilities and external examiner report proformas.
Guidance and resources to support Partner Institution External Examiners are available on the Quality and Academic webpages.
We seek to provide a high quality educational experience for all students, whether studying at our University or our partner institutions. Events are held annually to cover exam board training, complaints and appeals processes and statutory data returns. Additional events are arranged as required to support the development or rollout of new processes and procedures and other enhancement activities.
In addition, members of staff from partner institutions are able to attend workshops organised by our Learning and Development team, which focus on different aspects of learning, teaching and research.