Cleaning and portering

You can contact the Estates and Facilities HelpdeskEstates and Facilities HelpdeskEstates and Facilities Helpdesk for any cleaning and portering queries, complaints and pest-control issues.

Service hours

The cleaning service operates from 5.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

The portering service operates from 7.30am to 2.30pm, Monday to Friday.

A weekend service is provided to the Sports Centre, Sports Arena and Sports Pavilion, the Library, Silberrad Centre, Squares, main toilets and main PC labs.

For additional cleaning and portering, refer to the Response Times to Cleaning and Portering Requests document below.  

Two woman talking at a helpdesk
Contact us
Estates and Facilities Helpdesk
Telephone: 01206 872959
Out-of-hours support Security and Safety Team
Telephone: 01206 872125