When starting a process which will have an impact on a member of staff’s contractual terms it’s important that we are consistent in how this process is followed and that we correctly highlight and record the change that we are requesting.
It’s important to note that anything that would potentially change a section in an individual’s contract needs to be done via a contractual change process. The main contractual changes that occur are:
Please contact your Employee Relations Adviser to discuss a contractual change in detail.
Changes to personal details for example a change of address would need to be done by the individual employee via HR Organiser. Any changes to bank details would need to be done via payroll.
Please complete a contract change form (.pdf) as soon as possible to ensure that People and Culture have sufficient time to process the change.
Please submit your change forms to People and Culture, email staffing@essex.ac.uk.
Deadline dates for submissions to People and Culture are publicised monthly to inform you when you need to submit forms to be actioned for that month’s pay date. Please give at least five working days’ notice of any contractual change effective date that you wish People and Culture to process.
Once your change form has been submitted People and Culture will update iTrent and produce the letters for the member of staff and a new contract if applicable. These will be sent direct to the individual via their University of Essex email address.