The University has been awarded an allocation of Quality Related (QR) impact funding for this financial year to provide funding to academic colleagues to support impact activities which could potentially feed into the development of high impact case studies for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF).
For the 2024-2025 academic year, we ran the following impact funding schemes:
Our Rapid Response Impact Fund is a rolling competition open to Essex academic staff which aims to enhance the non-academic impact of research. It provides short-term funding up to £2,500 (including VAT), allowing researchers to respond quickly to opportunities for impact. The purpose of this fund is to support activities related to timely opportunities that require a quick turnaround. It supports activities that help to build relationships with stakeholders and research users in the private, third, or public sector to enable research impact. Funding must be spent by 30 June 2025.
Please note that the rapid response element of the call refers to the impact activities being responsive and needing to be undertaken quickly (not pre-planned activities where the work could occur any time).
Please download the updated call guidance notes (.pdf) for full details, including eligible costs.
Applicants were asked to complete the updated Rapid Response Impact Fund application form (.docx) and send it to This was an open call where applications could be made at any time until all available funding had been allocated. We expected decisions to be made and notification of outcomes within three weeks. Applicants were asked to discuss applications with their Research Impact Officer prior to submission.
Our Impact Accelerator Fund is a competition intended for Essex academic staff to undertake projects that will realise impact for potential submission to the REF2029. It considered applications for up to £10,000 per project. Funding must be spent by 30 June 2025.
Please download the call guidance notes (.pdf) for full details, including eligible costs.
Applicants were asked to complete the Impact Accelerator Fund application form (docx.) and send it to before 5pm on 11 November 2024. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of senior academic staff and REO staff. Outcomes are expected to be communicated in early December.
Due to the competitive nature of this call, applicants were encouraged to liaise with their Director of Impact/Research Impact Officer to ensure that their potential project and accompanying application is in scope of the funding call prior to submission.
Our International Impact Fund is a competition for Essex academic staff to undertake projects that will realise impact outside of the UK. The work can happen in the UK, but most of the impact benefits must be realised abroad. It considered applications for up to £10,000 per project. For this call, priority is given to projects that can support potential Impact Case Study development ahead of REF2029. Funding must be spent by 30 June 2025.
Please download the call guidance notes (.pdf) for full details, including eligible costs.
Applicants were asked to complete the International Impact Fund application form (.docx) and send it to before 5pm on 14 October 2024. Queries and requests for indicative costs could also be directed to this email address. Applications were reviewed by a panel of senior academic staff and REO staff. Outcomes were communicated in early November.
Due to the competitive nature of this call, applicants were encouraged to liaise with their Director of Impact/Research Impact Officer to ensure that their potential project and accompanying application is in scope of the funding call prior to submission.
Successful applicants will be allocated cost codes to spend against. For time limited funds it may be the case that no spending is permitted after a specific date so please consult the guidance notes for the call. Recipients may be required to complete reporting during and/or at the end of the funding. Please note, if your project involves human participants, it may need ethical approval before a cost code can be issued. See guidance on obtaining ethical approval for research involving human participants.