All images and documents are held in folders in the Media Library. There are folders in the Media Library for documents and images, with further sub-folders which relate to different areas across the website, eg. Law, History, news, Directories, business.
All images and documents must be placed into these sub folders. Images and documents are published separately to web pages.
It is a legal requirement that all documents used on website and in other communications are accessible. You must make sure your document is created in an accessible format before it is uploaded to the website.
Restricted documents can't be added to Sitecore. Send these to and we'll upload them to our restricted website.
When sourcing an image, remember:
You can re-use images already in Sitecore, but ideally you should source new ones for items such as news or events.
Header images are used for most main University web pages, including department pages, news and events. Header images need to be cropped to 1000 pixels x 1000 pixels.
When creating a new page, such as an event, you'll add the header image via Content Editor. Your image will automatically be placed into the Header Images folder in the Media Library. You can also add the header image directly into the Media Library before you start working in Content Editor, you just need to make sure it goes into the Header Images folder.
Sitecore modules that include an image should be uploaded to the Media Library before you create the module. You'll need to check the dimension size required for the module you're using.
Except for blogs (where this is the only option), we ask that you do not add images directly to web pages from the Rich Text Editor. Please use the Image Gallery module instead (or the Hero Image in news and event items).
The reason for this is that the website is mobile-responsive and so adding images directly to the page needs to be done in a particular way. Also, directly-added images do not work well visually. The image will be forced full-width in the paragraph, which is why using the module is better as it is designed to work with mobiles.
If you do need to add an image to the page for any reason, please contact
Images are rarely used on the Staff and Student Directories as these sites are focused on providing information and guidance. If you think you need to add an image, please contact
Before you upload an image to the Media Library, it needs to be cropped and compressed, in Photoshop or similar software, according to the pixel dimensions specified by each Sitecore module. Header images, for example, need to be 1000 pixels wide by 1000 pixels high. See a full list of image dimension sizes (.pdf)
Lower file size = faster page load speed = better SEO!
JPG Optimizer lets you resize and compress image files very quickly and easily without having to use Photoshop, Paint or anything else. All you need to do is:
Using Photoshop to crop and save your image: